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        "Wait, so 'Gold' is Amir?" I asked slowly.

        "Yes. Top nigga', top drug dealer. Any time you put the word 'top' in front of any word, that's Gold" Devon explained to me for the hundredth time.

        "Oh, okay. So why is he called 'Gold' though?" He looked at me like I was stupid.

        "What is the first thing you notice about him, when you seen him lil' nigga'?"

        I thought back, the first thing that I noticed about him was his eyes, they were unique. 

        "His eyes? I'm pretty sure they're not gold." He sucked his teeth.

        "Nigga'. When ever he goes out he always wearin' gold. Damn!" I thought back, he always had on gold, when I went to Epiphany's house for a brief moment, he had on a gold chain and a gold watch.

        I nodded my head and got off the couch to go make some more popcorn.

        While I was opening the plastic wrapper, my phone let out a 'ding' which let's me know I have a text message. 

        "Lil' nigga! Come get your phone. You got a text."

        I told him to just open, he's been in my phone multiple times. He ain't gone see nothing different.

        "Epiphany said come over, along with three damn exclamation points.  Like shit, one is good enough. " I shook my head, Devon gets easily angered.

         "Uh, tell her in a hour, I gotta finish my movie date with you Dev'."
          "Makin' a real nigga feel all special and shit, like woad' I ain't 'een know we was that cool." He yelled back from the living room.

           "Whatever." The microwave went off and I hungrily snatched the bag and pouring it into the bowl. I walked back in to see this fool taking pictures. Now Devon isn't ugly at all, but shit imagine having delete 300 pictures of his face, just makes him ugly.

             "Nigga stop! Always doing that shit, witcha' ugly ass."

              "Girl, I'm fine as fuck. The only wish you eva' wanted to come true was to look as good as me." He started to laugh uncontrollably.

              I grabbed my phone from his lap and indeed he did tell Epiphany that I'd be there in an hour. Smart boy. I got on my instagram news feed, only to see these girls wearin' short ass clothes that show everything. If I ever have a daughter she not gone be looking like no fucking prostitute and that's real.

             "Aye Sade, we gotta cut this short. 'Big booty' sent me a text saying how much she need me." He looked so serious, all I could do was laugh. I told him 'okay' and he was out like a light. I decided on getting dressed since I had to be at Epiphany's house 35 minutes. Not wanting to prolong to process I just threw a black sweatshirt with some ripped jeans. Simple, my hair was thrown into a quick ponytail. Grabbed my keys and started my way to the destination.

            When I pulled up to her house the other car that was there the first time was there again. I got out and knocked on the door,  the door opened and revealed an older man. I instantly thought it was her dad.

             "Well hello there, you must be Sade?"

              "Actually I am, you must be her dad." A look crossed his face.

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