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        It's been a week since the confusing event that happened that night I came from the shower. The letter has been weighing on my mind, I haven't been able to process anything around me. Along with this, Rayne and I are still acting like our friendship never existed - however I'm not as effected as I thought I would be. 

        Right now I'm actually preparing for the night shift, I have to go in tonight because I can barely sleep at then, I feel more paranoid at night. So, to solve the problem I just do night shifts. I'm still  assigned to Amir's mother. Speaking of Amir, one of the nurses that mess around with him said he was hiding out for some crucial meeting. She told me how some dude named 'Ghost' was coming into town. I mean like I said before the streets talk way too much. 

        "Hi Ms.Sade. How was your day?" Alicia greeted me as soon as I walked through the door. Alicia is honestly the sweetest woman I've ever encountered. 

        "My day was fulfilled with sleep. Oh and food, can't forget the food." She smiled.

        "I'm starting to miss you in the day time, the nurse I have before you is so rude and childish." I got a feeling I know who she's talking about.

        I gave a questioning look on my face. "Who?"

        "Uh, Raylima?"


        "Oh yes. That girl." I chuckled.

        "I'll talk to her for you. Can't have no bad hospitality."

        "Why is she mad anyway?"

        "I guess your son was finished with her." She nodded like she already knew. "That boy will never learn. Why can't he just settle down and give me some grandchildren?"

        I shrugged. "You know what Sade? He needs someone like you." 

        "No, he needs someone that fits his personality."


        "Not me."

        "Yes, you."

        I slapped my lap and told her how it was time for me to take my station at the desk. I made my way towards the door. The door came open with more force than I put into it. I looked up to see a pair of light brown eyes.

        "Wassup Sade?"

        I looked at him and threw the 'are-you-serious-face' towards him.

        I walked out purposely bumping him. I was walking down the hallway, when warmth encircled my wrist stopping me from walking. I already knew who it was. 

        "Look can we talk outside? Please?" I felt his eyes burning through my skin. I sighed and turned around.

        "Sure." He was walking in front of me, leading the way. Honestly, I'm surprise he initiated this talk. He's finally doing something right.

        "Do you mind if we sit in my car since it's cold out here?"

        I confirmed we could.


        Once we got situated in the car the tension was thicker than concrete..

        "So how have you been?" I sat up straight, looking at him. 'Cut the bullshit and get to what the fuck you wanted to talk about?"

        He nodded, his tongue poking his cheek.

        "Aight, all this shit is getting out of control. I really don't understand shit with anything dealing with you to be quite honest. I admit to all the shit I did to you was wrong. Every single word or action." 

        "What made you apologize?"

        "Shit, I was just thinking 'bout shit." I nodded.

        "So you were thinking about how you would out your hands on me and talk to me like I'm fucking illiterate?"

        "Honestly, round that time I was trying to get my shit together for a nigga named 'Ghost'. If my shit not together, this meeting ain't gone get me nowhere. For example ma, I already got everything I want, but this meeting right 'hea can make erthing' crucial. Feel me?"

        I nodded. "I ain't tryin' to judge or nun' of that bullshit but, you trying to be greedy as fuck."

        "In a way. But ay, I'm throwing a birthday party for Epiphany tomorrow, you wanna come through?"

        "I'll have to see. What's the theme?"

        "Females are any Disney princess, and men are just niggas in a suit." 

        "Alright, well I'm gonna go back in now."

        "Yeah me too, I gotta go greet my moms." We both got out, both of us commenting on the weather.

        Once we got back inside, we went different ways. I was walking until I heard, "No hug? No love?" 

        I looked at him, "Really Amir?" He nodded while smiling. His smile was everything.

        I shyly walked over to give him his lil' hug. The hug lasted for about 30 seconds because his ass wouldn't let go.

        "Alright bye!" I said as I pushed myself away him.

        Everything was going good now, well except the whole letter situation. I need to get on that and find out the reason for that shit. I honestly don't know what to think.

A/N: Alright I put out the beginning to my new story, tell me how you feel.

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