Chapter One: Harry

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"Marcel? Why are you crying? Are you okay?" I came running into my younger brothers room. He was laying on his bed, his taped up glasses laying on his nightstand along with all of his medicine the doctor gave him since he was about 12. I sat down on the bed next to him and rubbed his back. We could be twins really except he has his hair slicked back and always wears nerdy clothes, never letting out his true Styles side of the family.

"They did it again." He whispered. He always whispers whenever he never wants me to get involved but how can I not? It's my baby brother you are messing with. I am never hime I am always away on tour with my band One Direction. The boys love him I mean if it got to this point he could come on tour with us but he can't quit now, not when he is on his Sophmore year of High School.

"Who did what? Marcel you have to tell me these things when I am home. This needs to stop and it needs to stop NOW!" I began to shout because Marcel never told me when these bullies would be mean to him. Now is the time that I put an end between Marcel and his bullies, I have had enough! "FOR GOD'S SAKE HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON FOR MARCEL?" I screamed at him which made his small fragile heart shatter because I never yell at my baby brother.

Marcel sat up tears streaming down his face, his eyes beat red from all the crying he has been doing. I can tell that I had really hirt him, he was really sad and I crushed him. I am a horrid brother. "Harry....." Marcel between all the sobbing. "Why are you yelling at me? You never yell at me." He said as I got a call from Louis. I looked at the phone then back at him. He did this twitch thing with his mouth then looked down at the ground. "Go ahead. Louis is more important then me. I will always be here, no need to worry about me." He said as I had to anser the phone.

"Hey Lou." I said my eyes never leaving Marcel as he shoved his face back down on the pillow and started sobbing even more. I rubbed his back trying to sooth him. Louis was my best friend and I hardly got to see him and Marcel knew it thats why he was making such a dramatic scene when I was looking at him as my phone was ringing.

"Hey Hazz! Just called to see whats up?" Louis said in such a happy tone which made me cringe because he had 3 beautiful baby sisters so he never had to worry about them getting bullied. Never does he have to worrry about his sisters coming home crying because people said they shouldn't be alive or that their family never wanted them.

"Just hanging out with Marcel." I said trying to make sure that you couldn't tell that anything was the matter with Marcel. Louis knew how much we loved each other and how much this really hurt me to see him like this. He was my baby brother and I was supposed to protect him from these things and I failed. I failed to preform my big brother duties.

"Marcel? Whats wrong Harry you know you can't hide anything from me and you know I know how much he means to you. Are they bullying him again? Why doesn't he just come on tour with us I know he would love that and everyone else loves him. Harry we can make this work!" Louis said as I started to tear up because my brother was still crying.

"Louis its not that easy. I know everyone loves him there but its his Sophmore year of High School he can't quit now. I used to be bullied too now I am 1/5 of the BIGGEST boyband in the world Lou. I want my baby brother to be successful and be able to go back looking like a hot mess like I do and be able to say suck it bitches look what I turned out to be and what do you do? Work at a god damn fast food joint!" I satred to raise my voice which scared Marcel so he sat up and looked into my eyes as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Harry... Marcel isn't you. He doesn't want to shove it in their face and shout suck it to the bullies that bullied you 3 years ago before we became a band. I love you but Marcel doesn't face things the way you do." He said as I started to cry because he was right, Marcel isn't me. We can't fix anything the way we fixed my problems. Marcel got up and sat right next to me.

"I love you Marcel and I will fix this I promise you won't have to be in that hell hole anymore." I said as I remembered I was on the phone with Louis. "Louis, I will talk to his school, I will get him out. I love him and I failed to see that he needed me. His big brother." I said as marcel hugged me. "Lou, I gotta go I have to go talk to this school!" I said as anger was building up in me.

"DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID!" I heard Louis shout into the phone before I hung up. He knew I was mad and he knew I was just going to get worse.

"MARCEL!" I shouted from my room when I grabbed my jacket. "Let's go!" I said as he started down the stairs with me.

"Where are we going Harry?" He asked as he got into the front sewat of my car.

"To your school. We are getting you out of there and you are coming to live with me and the boys. No one treats my baby brother like that and gets away with it! I said as we started speeding down the road trying to hurry to his school before it closes.

"Harry calm down, its just bullying. You're right I can get over it, get a great job, and rub in in their faces when they are working at a fast food place. Harry please just leave it at that I can handle it myself, they are my problems!" Marcel said as I looked over at him clutching onto the seat trying not to look out any window because of how fast I was going. I speed when I am angry.... I really shouldn't be driving.

"THERE IS MORE THAN ONE PERSON? MARCEL! YOU NEED TO TELL ME THESE THINGS BEFORE WE GET INTO THE DAMN CAR! YOU KNOW HOW I GET WHEN I AM MAD AND IN THE FUCKING CAR!" I shouted at him as I passed a car. He was crying again. "What the FUCK are you crying about now? WHAT DID THEY DO TO YOU?" I half controlled myself before I lost it.

"Harry please don't yell at me." He whispered.

"Fine." I said as I blew out a big puff of air. "Can you please tell me what they did to you?" I asked as he clenched his eyes shut.

"PLEASE SLOW DOWN!" He shouted at me as I looked at the gages and saw how fast I was actually going.

"Fine, now please tell me what they did to you." I begged as I slowed down.

"Okay well it started when I walked into the school. Johnny threw me up against my locker and started calling me names." He said as my hands grew tighter on the stearing wheel.

"What names did he call you?" I asked as I took a turn.

"Where are you going? This looks like the way to Louis?" He said as I got mad that he was avoiding my question.

"MARCEL!" I shouted as I realized that I was shouting again. "Marcel.... Please tell me what he called you."

"He called me a fag and told me I was gay and that mom and dad never wanted me. He then shoved me up against the locker again and walked away. Then Harvey came up to me at lunch he knocked the tray out of my hands and laughed at me as Veronica kicked me in the naughty area." He said looking out the window as a tear slipped down his face. "Then at the end of the day Leeroy shoved me into my locker and the janitor had to let me out an hour and a half after school ended. Then mom came and picked me up and when we got home I went in my room and then you came home from Zayn's and came in and then we are here." Marcel said as I pulled into Louis drive.

"Marcel I need you to stay with Louis while I talk to your school about you coming to live with us while we are on tour." I said as Louis came out and got Marcel as Liam jumped into his spot and came with me to talk to the school.

"Why did you leave Marcel with Louis?" Liam asked as we started speeding off to Marcel's school.

"Well Marcel loves Louis and Louis loves Marcel so I thought it would be good for him not to come. Plus Johnny, Harvey, and Leeroy are going to be there and I need your help." I said as Liam looked confused. "We are going to beat those mother fuckers up for doing that to my brother!"

"Harry you aren't thinking rationally. You can't beat up kids." Liam said as he talked me somewhat out of it.

"Well I am still talking to the principle!" I shouted before we got to the school. We stopped at a stoplight before I blacked out with all the ager.

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