Chapter 24: Harry

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“Marcel. Marcel wake up." I said trying to get my baby brother to wake up. Liam and Niall had already woken up Louis and he was drinking ice water trying to calm down enough to explain to the guys what happened. He was breathing heavily and murmuring things people couldn't understand the guys were trying to give him space but you could tell they desperately wanted to know what was going on.

Marcel's eyes fluttered open slowly. He looked around confused as to where he was. It took awhile for anyone to say anything.

“What happened to you guys?" Liam asked as Marcel locked eyes with him while he was looking around trying to find out where he was and what was going on.

“I think mom sent a hit man out after me." Marcel said looking straight at Louis.

"She called me this morning asking where you were and I said you were out on a movie date with Louis. Oh Marcel what if I caused this. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you I was just trying to tell her off so she would finally just leave you alone instead of judging you for being yourself." I said as I looked over at Marcel who was still looking at Louis.

"That would explain why that first man knew Louis' name." Marcel said as tears were welling up in his eyes "I'm so sorry Louis I never meant for any of this to happen. I understand if you want to break up with me for my mom being the way she is because this probably will not be the last time she does this to us. She is evil and maniacal and is always trying o find ways to hurt me." Marcel said not looking at anyone now. He was just staring at the floor looking at his shoes, fiddling with his thumbs.

"Marcel its okay. Everything is going to be okay. I wouldn't leave you because your mom is sending out people to 'beat us up.' I love you and whenever you are with me I will try my hardest to protect you so this NEVER happens again." Louis said kneeling in front of Marcel on the floor. "Nothing can change the way I feel about you." He said grabbing his hand and pressing it to his lips.

"I love you too Louis. I just don't want my mom hurting you. I know what she is capable of doing and I don't want you to be in the middle of this. I care for you too much to have you go through that." Marcel said as a tear slipped down his cheek.

"Hey... Shhh. Son't cry Marcel. I will always be by your side whatever I go through it will be worth it knowing I am going through it for you. Your mom has nothing on me. She doesn't know how to break me, what my weaknesses are because my weaknesses are you." Louis said as I smiled  knowing that my baby brother has found the right guy for him.

"Louis I have never said this to any of Marcel's boyfriends before but your honestly the best thing for him right now. You care for him just as much as I do. I mean he's my baby brother and I want to make sure he is protected and that this bullshit doesn't happen again, and knowing that you care for him this much really puts me at ease. I know he will be okay as long as you're by his side. As long as you are there for him every step of the way, just like he is there for you every step of the way for you. It really warms my heart how much you two care for each other. How much you guys love each other. I know it's pretty early in your guys' relationship and I should be freaking out because you guys are saying I love you already but I'm not. Honestly if you guys don't last then I don't know who will ever last. I know this is a little sappy but Louis..... Marcel..... You guys are meant to be." I said as I realized how cheesy that sounded but it needed to be said. "Whatever is happening we need to put an end to it because guys I can't sit here and see you guys suffer like this." I said as Liam started nodding along.

"But there is nothing we can do right now. We have to wait until it happens again. We have to always be by each others side. Even when we leave for America in three days. Where ever one of those boys go we all go. Harry... Marcel your mom wouldn't try attacking us all will she?" Liam asked as we were slowly starting to form a plan. Plans are good.

"She would get some people to distract us you, Harry, Niall, and Zayn so they could have people grab us while you guys aren't looking." Marcel said as we were listening and tryig to igure out what the next step to our plan is.

"Alright we just need to always have an eye on the guys at all time." Zayn said as Marcel slowly shook his head.

"It's not that easy." Marcel said knowing they would do all they could. "They will make it so you guys break off leaving us alone not thinking about what you were doing."

"We have to figure something before this goes too far." Niall said looking around at everyone. "If they try to split us up. Harry and I will go with Marcel, Zayn you and Liam will go with Louis." Niall said as we all agreed.

"If you HAVE to go out by yourself like on a date you two WILL take Paul with you." I said as Louis and Marcel nodded in agreement.

"Wait there is always one thing we can never prepared for though." Louis said as I just noticed the girls haven't said a single word this whole time. Why are they being so quiet?

"What is that?" Zayn asked.

"What if they have a gun."


Sorry I haven'treally been updating recently I have been really busy with school.

ANYWAYS.... I really hope you liked this chapter. Please tell me what you think about it. Do you think the 'bad guys' will have a gun? Do you think they will follow them to the U.S.A.? If you have any suggestions to what you want to happen in this story feel free to leave it in the comments I will try my hardest to put your idea's into this!!

I don't know about you but I LOVE Nash Grier... But if you love him too I put up a story about him and I could really use feedback on that so if you were looking for something else to read I have that story and another one about Luke Hemmings and the boys of 5SOS with the boys of One Direction in there. So please check those out if you're looking for something else to read!! Thank you for reading through all this stupid junk that I am kind of just randomly throwing together!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR READING! I love you all!!!!

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