Chapter 19: Marcel

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"Marcel....... Will you be my boyfriend?" Louis asked as my eyes went wide.

"Wh-what?" I asked hoping I heard him right.

"You heard me Marcel. Like you said I need someone who makes me want to come out. Who I want to hold hands with in the street. And Marcel that's you. You make me want to tell the world I'm gay and that I am proud to be gay. You make me want to kiss you whenever I want wherever I want. I want you Marcel and only you. Will you please be my boyfriend." Louis said as I pulled him off the floor.

"Louis..." I said as he looked up from the floor to look into my eyes.

"Yes?" He said waiting for me to answer.

"Of course I will be your boyfriend! That is all I have ever wanted since this started, is for you to realize that I am here to stay even if you don't want me too I will always love you. I would never hurt you. You are the love of my life." I said as Louis smashed his lips into mine. He rested his forehead. "I love you." I said trying to catch my breath from the kiss.

"I love you too." He said smiling like a little girl who just got her first kiss.

"We should really get out there considering they know what we have done in the past when we are alone together." I said as we started to laugh at that.

We walked out of the room Louis going before me, a huge smile plastered across his face. He sat down by Liam who was sitting by Lauren. I went and sat down by Piper who was of course sitting by Harry who was smiling. He must have known Louis was going to ask me! Looking around at everyone they all knew.

"What did you say?!" Piper asked practically sitting on top of me.

"Piper... Louis makes me feel like the only boy in the world. Like I am the only one who he sees." I said as I saw Louis blush and look at the ground. "So you tell me Piper. Do you think I said yes?"

"Awww baby Marcel has a boyfriend!" She shrieked.

"Atta boy LOUIS!" Niall shouted and Lauren hit him. "Ow! What was that for?" Niall asked as we laughed.

"You are being dumb! Congrats Louis and Marcel. I'm glad to hear you are finally making things official!" Lauren said as I blushed.

"Thank you Lauren." I said smiling from ear to ear. This is the best day of my life.

"Marcel?" Louis asked as I turned my head to look at him.

"Yes Louis...."

"Would you want to go on a date with me tonight?" He asked as I smiled from the corner of my mouth.

"Of course I would Louis!" I said as everyone awed.

"I was thinking we would go to a movie and then go out for dinner..." Louis said as I nodded.

"Sounds good!" I said looking at the time. It was around 4:00. "What time is the movie at?" I asked needing to know how much time I had to get ready. It takes me about 45 minutes for a normal day and even then I am always late. As you can tell I am the girl of this relationship.

"Umm we have to leave here around 5:10." He said as I shot off the couch. Everyone looked at me like I was insane.

"I HAVE TO GET READY!" I shouted as I ran to the back room. What am I going to wear? Skinny jeans and a dressier top? A suit? Pants and a sweat shirt? Maybe I should shower first? Yeah that's a good start I will shower first. I hopped in the shower and blasted Story Of My Life by my boyfriend. By the time I got out of the shower it was already 4:30 which means I only have 40 minutes left.

I put my phone on my Ipod doc and I started to dance around to music. I pulled on some pink pastel colored skinny jeans with a royal blue button up top. I put on some converse and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair is a MESS! It looks horrible. I moved a piece from the left over to the right.... Then moved a piece from the right to the left... Then from the front to the back. I continued this until I had the perfect messy bed head look.... Trying something new for the date, hope Louis likes it.

"MARCEL! IT IS 5:15 WE HAVE TO GO!" Louis shouted as I quick ran out of the room... Lucky for me Louis was wearing a dark teal shirt with regular jeans and his Philadelphia snap back. Honestly the hottest thing I have ever seen. I  can honestly say he is the sexiest boyfriend I have ever had!

"Hubba Hubba..." I joked as he laughed.

"Marcel you look pretty amazing yourself! Too bad it took 6 years for you to get ready... Now we are going to miss the first 10 minutes of the movie!" Louis said as he grabbed my hand and rushed out the door.

"I never asked what movie are we seeing?" I asked as Louis started the car and started driving towards the movie theater.

"Now You See Me..." Louis said as my eyes lit up.

"I really want to see that movie!" I said as Louis laughed.

"I know that's why I got us tickets." Louis said still laughing. I sure am lucky to have such an amazing guy like him.

"Louis... I can't say I love you because I'm not 100% sure about my feelings like that and it has literally been like 5 hours. But what I do know is that I sure do like you a lot.... And I am the luckiest guy in the world to have someone who treats me as well as you do." I said grabbing his hand.

"Marcel... I like you a lot too. And I will never hurt you. You are my word... My sunshine on a rainy day. Baby... You light up my world like nobody else. The story of my life I take you home and drive all night... Just to keep you warm! I wanna be your last first kiss, and I want you to rock me. But just know that I will always come back for you. You aren't just my summer love because nobody compares and you are still the one. You inly have that one thing." Louis said as my heart fluttered as he used song lyrics and song titles to show me how he feels about me.


SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT! This story is  just getting SO hard to write because I have NO idea's for this story! I have a ton for my other one so if you want another story to read you can read the Pregnancy Test!

Let me know what you think!

I love you all and thank you for being so patient with me! Let me know what you think of this story or if you have any ideas that would help A LOT! Thank you and Love you all again!

Over to the right is a picture of the top half of what Louis wore to the date and if you imagine the girl as a boy in boy clothes that's kind of what I picture Marcel wearing for the date...

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