Chapter 21: Marcel

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"You aren't just my summer love because nobody compares and you're still the one. Because you have that one thing." Louis said as my heart fluttered as he used song lyrics and song titles to show me how he feels about me.

"I ahh umm ahhh. I don't know what to say." I said as we pulled into the parking lot of the movie theater.

"It's all right Marcel I wasn't saying it expecting you to spill your guts out to me. I said it so you would know how I truly felt about you." Louis said shutting off the car and turning in his seat so he was facing me. "Are you ready to go see the movie?" He asked as I found myself blushing and staring at the ground.

"Oh yeah... sorry." I said as Louis laughed as I got out of the car. He walked around to me and grabbed my hand as we walked into the theater.

"Two tickets for Now You See Me please." Louis said as the lady rang up the price on her computer.

"That will be $7.50 please." She said as Louis handed her a 10 dollar bill.

"Keep the change." He said tugging us toward the concession stand. He bought me a Pepsi and a medium popcorn to share.

"There are a lot of people here today are you sure you want to come out today? We can always just rent. Hunger Games just came out on Redbox, we can watch that." I said panicking that he was going to get overwhelmed and just leave me here.

"Marcel... I asked you out on a date. I asked if YOU wanted to go to the movies with ME... If Ifelt uncomfortable taking you out or going to the movies with you I would never have asked you. The fact that you are sating this makes me feel like you don't trust me that you are expecting me to just run out on you." Louis said stopping me in my tracks and pushing me up against the wall. His warm breathe on my neck sending shivers down my spine. "We are going to be late." He said blowing hot air down my neck. My knees started to buckle as he grabbed my hand and brought me to the theater. It was almost full, everyone wanted to see this movie.

"Last chance." I whispered hoping he wouldn't hear me.

"Marcel?" He asked as we sat down near the top.

"Yeah." I said as I felt Louis lips smash into mine. For awhile it seemed like we were the only two in the movies.

"I'm not going to leave you. Nothing's going to happen except us sitting here holding hands sharing our medium popcorn and our Pepsi and watching this movie. Now sit back and shut up because the movie is starting." He said smiling at me before the lights started to dim. I am so lucky to have a guy like Louis going to the movies with me. I could never ask for anyone better.


"The movie was great! Thank you so much Louis!" I said as we ran back to the car. It was currently raining and we were trying to stay as dry as possible.

"I'm glad you loved it." Louis said as he grabbed my hand while driving out of the parking lot. "We need to stop for gas before we go home. Is that alright with you?" He asked looking over at me as he waited at a stop light.

"As long as I'm with you I could be anywhere I the world and not even care. We could be knocking on deaths door and I would be happy because I got to spend at least a minute with you. Just a smile sends me over the edge. I used to sit in the back of the room and count the number of times you smiled at me, and the days when you didn't smile at me, well those were the worst and hardest days to deal with. I know all you asked was if I was okay with stopping for gas but I have always wanted to tell you this for a really long time and it all just kind of came out and now I'm rambling and now I am going to shut up." I said starting to blush. I looked out the window and saw a gas station fly by.

"Marcel you can always tell me whatever you want whenever you want. I did the same thing but with the sparkle in your eye. When you would talk about something you truly loved your eye would sparkle but when you didn't talk about something you loved and I didn't see that sparkle, that glimpse of what you truly liked my day sucked." Louis said as we passed another three gas stations.

"Ahh Louis? Why haven't you gone to any of those gas stations?" I asked starting to get scared. What if he is trying to get rid of me? What if he turned psycho? Why does he keep looking in the rear view mirror? Is he running from someone? Why am I freaking out? This is Louis we are talking about. He probably just has a surprise for me. Or a logical reason on why he is doing any of these things. But what is it that he is planning, doing, running from?

"We are being followed..."


I'm SOOO Sorry about the wait I have been caught up in school! Please don't hate me!

Well tell me what you guys think of this chapter. Was it worth the wait? I need feedback. I love everyone who is still reading this regardless of how long it took to update this!!! again I am SOOO sorry!!!

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