Chapter 22: Harry

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"Mum?" I ask looking around at the other guys confused. Why is my mum calling me?

"Harry! I haven't heard from you in ages! How are you?" She asked not saying a word about Marcel. I always knew I was her favorite but I would have thought she cared for him like she cared for me and Gemma. He was always put into the shadows. Ever since One Direction became a big deal she never paid any attention to him. I always hoped it was to keep him out of the public eye so he wouldn't get hurt but deep down inside I knew what the real reason was.

"Good Mum. How are you?" I asked hoping she would at least say something about Marcel.

"I'm great! How is everyone? Nobody informed me on how you lads are." This is my chance to talk about Marcel.

"They are great! Liam, Zayn, Niall, and I just got done watching Forest Gump." I said leaving out Louis knowing she would ask what he was up too.

"That's a great movie! But where is Louis? Why didn't you watch the movie with him?" She asked as I smiled. Now is my chance to tell her what has been going on.

"He's on a date right now actually." The trap has been set. Now she just needs to take the bait.

"Really?! With that lovely girl Eleanor Calder?" The bait has been taken.

"No mum they broke up. Louis is on a date with Marcel."

"Wh-what?" She said as she knew what I was doing. "No. Louis isn't a fag like Marcel." And her true colors are reviled.

"You know mum, I thought since Marcel is your own son you could get over your homophobia and be proud that he is finally being himself but no you have to go and call my baby brothet names. Get over yourself mom. Marcel is an amazing person and I'm so glad he is my brother and I'm so glad he found someone so special to him. I'm glad Louis is going to tell the world that he is saying my little brother. Now the world will know about him and know that you tried to keep him a secret." I said starting to get really pissed off. "Oh and another thing stop being such a bitch." I said hanging up the phone.

"What was that about?" Piper asked as she came and say by me after she got back from the bathroom. I looked around and saw everyone looking at me with their eyes wide open.

"Just listening to my mum bitch at me for saying what was on my mind." I said as Niall looked confused.

"I thought you and your mum were close?" Niall asked cocking his head to the side and burrowing his eyebrows.

"We were until Marcel came out of the closet. See my mom is anti gay and gates everything that has to do with it. So of course when Marcel came out she disowned him. Ever since we haven't been so close." I said as Piper cuddled into my side.

"That's horrible I always thought your mom would be the one to support it and care for him no matter what." Zayn said with Perrie on his lap... Asleep.

"Yeah but I don't really want to talk about it." I said as Piper started to rub my arm.

"Niall when are you taking Lauren out?" Piper asked as I smiled at her. She always knows how to make people feel awkward.

"Piper!" Lauren shouted covering her face. That backfired considering she was sitting right next to Niall who uncovered her face.

"Soon." He said winking at Lauren who started to blush. "You know if you want to. I would understand if you didn't." He said still smiling at her.

"Are you serious?! Of course I will go out with you! I mean come on you're like the complete package." Lauren said blushing realizing what she just said sounded really weird.

I pretended to look hurt as Niall rolled his eyes. "Get over it mate... I'm the complete package and your not." Niall said joking around.

"I think your the complete package mate." Liam said chiming in.

"Liam!" I said running over to him and jumping on his lap. "I love you!" I said as he started to laugh. "You're the complete package to me too Liam." I said getting up and sitting back down realizing I was being a little rambunctious. 729

"Sorry I get a little excited when Liam shows his feeling towards me." I said as everyone started to laugh.

"Harry I think you need to take a nap or something because you are starting to get out of control." Piper said crawling into my lap.

"Well I'm calm down now." I said with a wink as she hit my arm playfully.

"Harold Edward Styles!" She said as Niall burst out laughing at the use of my full name. Everyone grew quiet and looked over at Niall who was still laughing. "Niall it want that funny..." Piper said as everyone looked over at him like he was stupid. I guess we should be used to it by now but it still throws us off guard at times.

"What?" He said as he stopped laughing and noticed we were looking at him like an idiot. We all burst out laughing at him confusion. He started laughing out of confusion like Jake Paul in some of his vines.

"Niall!" Perrie shouted clearly awake now. "Do you know who you reminded me of with that laugh?!" Perrie shouted as Niall shook his head.

"JAKE PAUL!" I shouted as Perrie looked at me and smiled.

"YES!" She shouted as Louis and Marcel walked into the bus.... bloody.

"Marcel!" I shouted as he fell to his knees and then face first onto the floor. Louis  quickly passing out from the pain.

My baby brother.. my best friend wh-what do I do?


cliffhanger! sorry don't hate me... What happened to Marcel and Louis? Will they be okay? Who was following them? anyone have any ideas or predictions????

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