Chapter 11: Marcel

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L- "I don't want everyone knowing about my sexuality, I am hardly even admitting it to myself. Marcel please." I feel bad I mean I really like Louis but I am at Andrew's. What am I supposed to say?

M- "Lou...." Is all I could get out before Louis interrupted me.

L- "No Marcel. Just give me an answer. It's okay if you pick Andrew I understand. I mean you have been with him before and you have only known me for three years but we have never really talked except for a few times here and there. But Marcel I just want you to know that I can keep you happy! I can treat you right. Anything you want and I can get it for you. Marcel I really like you and I just want you to be happy" God Lou you make me want to pick you so bad.

M- "Lou.. I have a history with Andrew. Lou... I really like you...." I said before Louis cut me off... AGAIN.

L- "You do!" Lou shouted. Crap I knew I shouldn't have let him cut in like that!

M- "Stop interrupting me Lou. Please..... IF I choose you I don't want you treating me like you treated Eleanor. That's why I am with Andrew, I know he won't treat me like I'm his girlfriend he treats me like I am his Boyfriend. Yes I wish you would treat me like a princess but not 24/7.  Second we will NOT tell the boys and Harry right away. Third you have to promise you will be faithful, love me even on my bad days, even when I have the nightmares about my bullies." I know this sounds crazy but I could hear him smiling on the other end of the phone.

L- "I won't treat you like my girlfriend. I will treat you like my boyfriend unless you want to be treated like a princess." He said as there was a long pause where I was waiting him to say I promise blah blah blah. Never did he ever utter the words I promise.

M- "Louis I will not be with you if you can't promise me those things!" I half shouted into my phone.

L- "Marcel I can't promise that....." When he said that my heart sank. How could he possibly want me to choose him when he can't even promise me that he won't be faithful, that he won't love me no matter what. That he won't love me through the ups and downs. Why can't he promise me that? If I can be faithful why can't he. DAMN IT! I must really really like him that is the very first time I have ever sworn.... Well it was in my head but it still counts!

M- "Lou, if you can't promise that I'm sorry then I can't choose you." I said as I heard him sigh. Great now he is sighing. What is he relieved he can't be with me? Did Harry put him up to this? Or was it one of the other boys?

L- "Marcel your right I can't promise you that."

M- "Well then I'm sorry I can't choose you." I interrupted Louis about ready to cry. The date was over and Andrew was driving me home. I mouthed I'm sorry for ruining the date. He smiled and patted my hand trying to tell me that it was ok.

L- "MARCEL LET ME FINISH! I can't promise you that because I VOW that I will be faithful, that even on your bad days that I will love you. When you have bad dreams I vow that I will be the first one to comfort you. I vow Marcel Stephen Styles that I will be the perfect boyfriend."

Andrew dropped me off in front of the bus. I hung up the phone and walked in quietly to hear him freaking out. "Marcel? Marcel! Please answer. Marcel.... I love you." He said as he looked at his phone like I just died not hung up on him.

"I love you too." I said walking into his sight. Did we really just say that?

"MARCEL!" He said running to scoop me into a hug. "So you pick me?" He asked sitting down with me on his lap. I had my arms wrapped around his neck.

"Yes I choose you. But you CAN'T tell any of the boys I'm not ready for them to know." I said as he picked me up and quick set me down on the chair next to the TV.

"Pretend to be mad." He said before he went and sat on the far side of the couch. As if it was their cue in came Niall, Lauren, Zayn, and Liam. They filled up the rest of the couch and not long after Harry and Piper came in. I had to pretend to be mad, I folded my arms, slumped down in my seat and saw Louis look at me quick and he rolled his eyes and glaring at me.

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER?!" He shoued at us when  I tried not to smile.

"Nothing." He said bringing out the sass. I had to think quick because I ended up rolling my eyes. Shoot I always have to make things come back to me.

"Nothing, you did something Lou. You ruined my date." I spat at him, well that wasn't entirely wrong. "You couldn't have waited until after the date was over to call me! I mean he doesn't even want to see me again. He doesn't even want to go on a date with me. He hates me now! He thinks I used him to call me jealous. He thinks that is the only reason why I went out with him. I know I have had bullies in high school but I NEVER thought I would have a bully when I moved in with my brother. But I guess I do." I said as I got up and stormed into the back room. I feel bad for unleashing that on Louis but that is what I was thinking when I was on the phone with him the whole time.


Let me know what you think I can really use criticism so I can improve this story. Tell me what you like dislike, ideas for anything I could include in the next chapter or in chapters to come!

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