Chapter 18: Harry

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"Harry can I please talk to you in the other room please?" Louis asked me as I nodded and got up to follow him into the bedroom. He was sitting on the bed by the time I got into the room. "What do you need to talk to me about?" I asked sitting down next to him.

"Would it be okay if I asked Marcel to be my boyfriend? I know how protective you are over him, but I don't to keep him a secret I want him to be mine. I want to be able to walk around town with him and not have to act upon my want to kiss him or simply hold his hand. I have waited so long to find someone who makes me want to come out to the world, no matter what the consequences. I want to share him with the world." Louis said as I was nodding along with him. "I just don't want to loose him." Louis said as I felt like I was about to tear up. My best friend is in love with my baby brother.

"Louis...." I sighed as his head dropped. He put his head in his hands and sat there like I just killed his mom. "I know where you are coming from. I know because I feel the same with Piper I just don't think she is ready for the hate, nor is Marcel ready for it." I said trying to think of what was best for my brother.

"And I will protect him from that. Harry you have to trust me." Louis said shaking his head in his hands starting to get mad at me. "I'm just trying to think of what is best for Marcel." I said as Louis lifted his head from his hands.

"I am what's best for him. I can make him happy, I can buy him a big house, I can stand up for him against the fans. Harry it will be me and him against the world. Nothing can stop us." He said as I started to smile. "Why are you smiling?" He asked in a crabby tone.

"Because now I know that my answer for you is yes. You can ask my brother to be your boyfriend. " I said as Louis jumped up and hugged me.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He shouted as I smiled at his excitement. "Harry you don't know how much this means! Are you sure you are okay with this? I don't want you to not really be okay with this and have you be mad the whole time me are together." He said as I was starting to get mad at him for asking me if I am really okay with this.

"Louis unless you do something to hurt my brother, or have the intentions to hurt my brother I am okay with it. Unless you keep asking me if I am okay with it as well. Then my yes will turn into a hell no faster then Niall can say potato." I said as we both kind of laughed at that one.

"Thank you Harry." He said as we walked out of the room. "It really means a lot to me, you know that right?" Louis said as everyone looked over at us confused at what he was talking about. Louis was leaning against the door looking over at Marcel.

"Why are you being creepy." He asked looking at Louis like he was disgusted, or constipated which ever you prefer. Louis started to laugh which made Marcel even more confused.

"Can I talk to you in the other room?" Louis asked as Marcel started to look more scared more then constipated.

"Sure...." Marcel said with uncertainty.

"We are all in this bus and we don't want to walk in on anything, so please NO sex!" Zayn shouted as Marcel shot him a nasty look. Zayn put his hands up in defeat, looking like there was a cop was pointing a gun at him.

"What were you two talking about in the other room?" Liam asked hoping he would get something out of me.

"He asked permission to ask my brother to be his boyfriend!" I said as all of their jaws dropped to the floor.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" Piper shouted as I laughed.

"Yes." I said looking at everyone still frozen with their jaws on the ground.

"Is that what he is doing right now? I wonder how he is going to do it. What do you think Marcel will say? Will they come out to everyone? What is everyone going to think?" Piper kept asking questions as we all started to ignore her.

"Do you think he will say yes? I mean I know how he hated the way most gay couples were all hidden and he wants everyone to know." Niall said as I nodded in agreement.

"Louis says that marcel makes him want to come out. He makes him want to walk around town holding his hand. Kissing him in public. Hugging him when everyone is watching." I said as Lauren and Piper looked all sentimental.

"Aww that is SO cute!" The both said at the same time,

"I can't believe Louis is such a sap. Never knew about that side of him." Zayn said looking moved.

"It seems like just yesterday he was telling Eleanor about how he wasn't into girls. I remember how she hugged him and said it was okay when she was actually looking like she was about to cry. She kissed his cheek, he kissed hers and they said they will always love each other and they went on their ways. It was sad and touching at the same time." Liam said as we all agreed.

"That better not happen this time or someone is going to hurt and it won't be you guys or Marcel." I said as they all started to laugh,

"Harry you have to let Marcel fight his own battles. If Louis does something wrong then he needs to protect himself." Lauren said as Louis and Marcel walked out of the room.

"What did you say?" Piper asked as they sat down.

"Well I said......"


Cliffhanger!!! Sorry don't be mad I have to keep you on the edge of your seats ;) So what does everyone think? We still need someone to be Liam's girlfriend otherwise he will be girlfriendless through this whole story. All you have to do is comment I want to be Liam's girlfriend, your name, and how you two will meet! Does anyone have anything they DON'T like about this story? I want to know what your guys honestly think of this story so I can make it something you all want to read! Well I hope you all like it!!  

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