JIN: Not Her Superman

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"Seems like we are pretty fast as we move on to our next story. What do you think dear listeners? Are we still tuned in? Or did we drift off to sleep already?" Namjoon inquired through his mic to brighten up the mood. Moments later, the message box on their site got busy with all the notifications of new message.

"Wow! I am very happy that there are a lot of you who are still awake for this program. Thank you for tuning in even at this hour," Namjoon said.

@taesookie commented: I want to listen to all of the stories that were sent. It gives me the feeling that I am not alone in my sadness this holiday.

"Aigoo. Don't worry taesookie, our program is here for you. Thank you for tuning in." Namjoon commented and the cue for the next letter reading was flashed from the staff across the glass window.

Namjoon took the letter and searched for the letter sender's address.

"So from Busan, we go to Gyeonggi-do, in the city of Gwacheon." Namjoon started as he took the letter out of the envelope.

"Ever felt overjoyed because of a single smile? Ever felt enthusiastic and excited for the next day that you will see the one you've been waiting for the entire day? Ever felt being loved when you never felt it from people who should have loved you in the first place?

I think being in those situations is one of a kind experience, but sometimes, too much of those experiences would lead us into something hurtful.

I am Kim Seokjin, a graduate of Hotel and Restaurant Management. I was about to go abroad to practice my profession since a good friend offered me a job but a circumstance at home stopped me from leaving the country.

I am an only child in the family. My Dad had a really big business that shut down 9 months ago. He had a business partner who stole the company's money and run away.

Since then, Dad became a drunkard. At first, I understood his feelings and just left him drink like there's no tomorrow. But when things became complicated, I hated to see him drunk.

He would oftentimes hit my Mom when she makes little noise or scold her when she doesn't give him enough money to buy a liquor.

There was a time when I almost hit him because I hated to see Mom getting hurt, but Mom stopped me and Dad laughed at me. He even told me these lines I can never forget: "When are you going to become a real man? Real men fight even their Dads. Don't always hide behind your Mom. How can you protect yourself in this deceptive world?" I could have answered him back but Mom told me to leave and she will handle things.

Mom grew tired of Dad's behavior so she filed for a divorce. Dad was reluctant to sign it at first, but when he felt like it will make him a free man once again, he signed the papers and left.

So when I graduated, I declined the offer of my friend to work abroad. Well, I dreamt of it but my Mom is more important than my dream. So I helped her and became a barista at night and a chef at daytime in our café and restaurant.

During my first day in the bar, I noticed that there are few people during the day and there will be a crowd during the night. Most of them are office workers, some were students.

But what caught my attention the most was this girl who loves to isolate herself from the crowd and sits at the very end of the counter, where not many people are actually staying.

"Any drink for you, young lady?" I asked her when there are no more orders to deal with.

"The usual one," she answered comfortably without looking at me.

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