Chapter 7:What....

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Soryu Pov

I was sitting in my office when...."SIR!SIR!SIR!"I snapped my head up just as Inui burst into the room at full speed nearly breaking the door."Inui,what is it"Inui who was panting now looked up."Sir!Some of the dragons said that they saw princess coming out of a ship just now!"That got my attention."Inui!Get me to that ship,NOW!"I hopped into the car just as Inui pushed the accelerator and we sped off towards the docks.We stopped near it and I jumped off running towards the ships by the port.I scanned the ships and quickly saw the one that took Carolyn.

I grabbed onto the ledge of the ship and hoisted myself up as Inui followed me.I looked around in case those pirates were around."Inui!Search for any signs that Carolyn was here!"I shouted as I dashed downstairs.I saw a few rooms.I searched them for any signs of Carolyn to show that she was here."S-Sir!"I heard Inui shout down the hall.I rushed over to where he was.When I got there,he was standing there,beet-red from blushing."Inui what is it?!"I went over to where he was standing and instantly knew why as I found myself blushing.I knocked Inui in the head."You idiot!What the hell!Why did you...""I-I'm sorry sir!I didn't know!"Inui blushed.Well at least we know that she's here now.I looked at the drawer of bras and underwear before blushing again.

"Sir,it looks like she's living with someone"Inui pointed to the other part of the wardrobe which had man's clothing.I felt my hands clench into fists.If that man even touched her,I swear...We went out towards the deck when..."Hey Eduardo!Come help me with somethin!"I heard someone shout and we both froze."Inui!Back to that room!Quick!"I hastily whisper as we ran.We ran inside the room and rolled under the bed just as we heard footsteps.I peeked out from under the bed to see a man wearing an eye patch and a dark red trench coat step into the room.He must be one of the pirates.I take my gun out from my jacket and was about to roll out when...

"I can't believe she's really my woman now"I froze at those words.The man looked for something in his wardrobe before going out.No,it's not true.Inui looked at me."Sir?Do you think he-"I glared at Inui which made him shut up.It's not true,it can't be.I noticed how shaken up I was and quickly shook it off as we rolled out of the bed."Come on Inui"We run towards the stairs and peep out.There was a man with a bandanna and the man with the eye-patch.They were talking about something but I couldn't hear what it was since it was so quiet.Then they got off the ship and Inui and I snuck off.

That night,there was an auction as I took my seat beside Eisuke.Then came the final item.A diamond made treasure chest and as expected the bids quickly rose up to 100 million and more when suddenly...."YAH!!!"I jumped up in shock when two of the pirates I saw this afternoon along with a spiky blond attacked the audience!I looked towards the item and saw two other pirates taking it."Oh no you don't"I take out my gun and aimed it at the pirate wearing an eye-patch.I was about to pull the trigger when...

BAM!!!The door to our booth flew open as someone in a mask took out two swords and attacked us!Another pirate?!The pirate slashed at me while I dodged and fired at her when Baba grabbed her from behind.I walked towards the pirate as he/she struggled in Baba's grip and ripped off the mask only to find....

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