Chapter 11:Her

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Soryu POV

"I hate you Soryu Oh..."Carolyn hisses and I felt like I just got slapped in the face as she walked off.The pirates were staring at us silently.If it weren't for them....especially him....she would have come back to me!I start seeing red as I glare at Eduardo,Carolyn's so-called boyfriend.I stormed over to him and slammed him against the wall before the other guys could stop me.

"IT'S YOU!"I scream as he glares at me.

"If she never met you,she would have been mine!!!!!!"I punch him.

"YOU LIED TO HER"He shouts pushing me back as he punches me back.We keep fighting till we reached the deck while the crew tried to stop us.


We both take out our guns and aim it at each other's chest.But just as I'm about to pull the trigger...


Two gunshots ring out as both of our guns were knocked from our hands.We look towards who shot it and saw Carolyn staring at us furiously.

"CAN'T YOU TWO JUST SHUT THE HELL UP?!"I've never seen her this angry before.

"Nate,I'm sleepin in your room tonight"And left before the pirate called Nathan could reply.I went back to my room when she left.I sat on the floor of the room of the pirate I was sharing with.The one called Thomas?She's never,ever shouted at me before.....what changed?

The  next morning,we had arrived at a port.The pirates all split up to do their own thing,leaving,Carolyn and Eduardo.Carolyn went off before we could stop her.Leaving me alone with.....him.I glared at him as he glared back at me.I walked off the ship before we could get into a fight again.

I walk through the town which I think was called Kruck, with my usual cold face.But despite that,the women here still sidle up to me as they cooed over me.Disgusting.I glare at them but they still won't bug off.I felt like going for a drink so I went off to the nearby pub which was a HUGE mistake.There were girls everywhere!I shrugged them off as I pushed my way to the bar.

"One blue-tailed whiskey"I ordered as the women fawned over me.One of them boldly touches my arms as she flashed her eyelashes at me.Get off me!I pull my arm away as I quickly drink my whiskey and exit the pub.I suddenly heard a commotion at the town center.With all the women still following me,I made my way there and saw...

"Carolyn?!"She was standing with her swords facing a man with a purple feather in his hat.It's the man from that day!

"My pearl~I'm here to steal you away again!"

"Oh cry me a river"

"If that is what you want my dear pearl then-"


Carolyn thrust her sword towards the man as he dodged while grinning.

"Very well then my pearl!Let us fight!"

A sword battle between Carolyn and the man called Alan started as  more and more people crowded them.

"Hup!"Carolyn backflipped across Alan's back as he thrusted and kicked him in the knee once she made contact on the floor.

"Ow!"Alan held his foot as Carolyn used the hilt of her sword to bonk him on her head and watch him crumble holding his head.She swiftly took out his gun and aimed it at him.

"Get up"

"My pearl!Why are you so cold?!"

"I said get up!"


"Now get outta here"

"But my pearl!I-"

Carolyn started shooting at his feet as he jumped to avoid them making the crowd laugh.He looks like he's tap dancing.I chuckle at the sight as Alan ran off.She suddenly makes eye contact with me and quickly turns away as she dashes off into the town again.


I chase after her.She runs into the forest with me hot on her trail.

"What do you want Soryu?"

She suddenly stops and pulls out her gun as her cold eyes bore into mine.

"Can we just talk?Please."


She lowers the gun as I approach her.

"Carolyn I...I'm...."

"If that's what you wanted to say then it's just a waste of my time"

She starts to walk off.

"Carolyn I'm sorry!Please forgive me!I know what I say now may just be bullshit crap to you but please....I still love you,still do....I love you so much it hurts...I-"

I got cut off my Carolyn hugging me.I hesitantly wrap my arms around her.I missed her warmth so much....She kissed me softly on the cheek before wriggling out of the embrace.

"Find happiness Soryu......because......I've found mine"

She walked away leaving me standing their in shock.

"'re......"I mumble as she walked further and further from my grasp.

" happiness.............."

I'm............not giving up.I've still got 5 days to prove to Carolyn that I'm better than that stupid pirate.

I've still got prove that she's mine.

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