Chapter 13:NO!!!

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Soryu POV

I went off back into town from the forest.Carolyn......

I went into the town and into the nearby pub to have another drink.As usual,there were women but I ignored them as I drank my drink.

Suddenly,there was a commotion at the bar counter.I push my way towards it and saw Carolyn flip a man onto the counter.The other man attacked her but she merely sidestepped causing him to fall onto the other man.

"Get her!!!"someone shouted and soon,the whole pub was after her!

She flipped from table to table as I watched in awe.Wait!This is no time for daydreaming!I chased after them.

While I was running,I heard gunshots up ahead.

My blood turns cold.

"CAROLYN!!!"I shout as I dashed after her.

I saw the men turn into an alleyway.I follow them and nearly cried out at what I saw.

Carolyn was sitting there,bullets in her body and a sword,pierced in her hand.

I was beyond furious as I took out the men who hurt her.



I nearly crumpled when I heard her voice.She sounded as if she's fading....

NO!I won't let her go!

I quickly picked her up bridal style as I dashed back to the ship.All the pirates were there discussing something.

"HEY!"I shout gaining their attention.

"CAROLYN!"They all shouted as they crowded round me.

"What the hell happened?!"

"Bring her to the infirmary NOW!"

I do as the pirates said as I carried her and ran towards the infirmary.

The pirate called Christopher shouted at us to get out which we all did.

I went out to the deck as I stared out in pain.

What if she doesn't make it?What if she dies?What if she-


I turn around and see Eduardo,he had a serious expression on his face.

"Tell me what happened"

"Why should I?"

"I have a right to know"

I stare at him through angered eyes.





"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

We both shut up when the captain of the ship appeared,looking angry.

"Don't you want her to recover?Well here's a tip to both of ya idiots,SHOUTING DOESN'T HELP"

He stormed off.


I walked back into my room.

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