Chapter 17:Save me

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"Shit"I'm surrounded by some thugs in a back alley."Take her down,but don't kill her,we need her to lure in Oh."Oh?Soryu Oh?Realisation hits me.Their a rival mafia gang here for Soryu.I glared at them as they closed in on me.One of the thugs strike,presumably to knock me unconscious,but I dodge it as I deliver a swift kick to his face.

"Shit,she can fight.Alright then men,kill her if need be"The other men started taking out their weapons.Ok,time to go.I start to run as the men chased me,bullets flying everywhere,bouncing off walls and the stone floor.I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest."Got her!"Shit!!!They were closing in on me so I did the only thing I could do.I took out my gun and started firing.

I somehow managed to crawl behind a dumpster while keeping pressure on my chest.I shoot the men one by one as they approach.After awhile,the area around me reeked of blood as a pool of blood surrounded me.I tossed away my gun which was out of bullets as I leaned against the wall.Black spots started to enter my vision.Someone,anyone,please save me.I blacked out.

Soryu P.O.V.

After those damn pirates left,I walked out too,shouting at Eisuke to track down her location.Goddamnit,where can she be?I stepped out of the elevator and headed straight towards the exit.I walked along the street while calling Samejima to call out a search party.An immense amount of guilt started to build up.If I hadn't kidnapped her,she would still be safe.

I suddenly smelt something.Is that....blood?I walked along a little more till I came across an alley-way,covered with pools of blood and dead men.It looked like there was a war here.I proceeded into the alley,my shoes making sloshing sounds as it stepped into the puddle of blood.I looked around.There was no sign of her.I was about to leave when I spotted something familiar.I reached out and grabbed Carolyn's gun.

She was here.My blood turns cold.I walk around some more,looking for any signs of her.I walked to the end of the alleyway and see a dumpster.I walk towards it and nearly cried at the sight.Carolyn was sitting there,blood streaked all over her body as her hand covered her chest.My hand shakily reached out and gently pulled her hand off.

"CAROLYN!!!!!!!!"I cry as I see the bullet hole on her chest.I pick her up bridal style and hug her tightly.Oh my god,no.I felt something wet on my cheeks.Tears?Mobsters never,ever cry but I can't help it as I looked at her."I-I'm so sorry Carolyn,I-I was too late"My voice cracked as I placed a gentle kiss to her ice-cold lips.

I run all the way to Tres Spades,all the while trying to keep her warm.If there was even a tiny shred of hope that she's alive,I'll take it!I run inside Tres Spades and hit the button for the top floor on the elevator.I took out my phone and called Luke to get her ASAP.I ran out and into the lounge as the other guys surrounded me,shocked and worried expressions on their faces.

"Oh my god"Baba stared down at her in shock and took her bloody hand as he rubbed it.Ota took her other one.Mamoru stopped smoking as he looked down at her in silence.Eisuke stood beside me.It was silent when Luke came in.He took one look at her and muttered "out" before he started undressing her.I was a bit jealous but I quickly shake it off.Her life is in danger!

We walked out and went into the hotel lobby just as the pirates came in.They all glared at us.I glared daggers at Eduardo.He was supposed to be her boyfriend and yet,he failed to protect her,twice."Aren't you supposed to be her boyfriend?Well,you bloody hell did a good job on protecting her"I walked out before he could ask what I meant.

Eduardo P.O.V.

I glared at the other guys in the room."Where is she"I hissed as I took out my gun."Sorry,but we can't tell you"The man with the fedora replied seriously."If you don't I'll-""If you want what's best for her,you will not disturb or look for her"The man with the lavender shirt said coldly before getting into a waiting limo,the other guys following him.

"The hell did he mean by that"Russell glared at the limo as it pulled away."Do you think something happened to Miss Carolyn?"Thomas said worriedly causing my blood to turn ice-cold.Aren't you supposed to be her boyfriend?Well,you bloody hell did a good job on protecting her.I remember the words Soryu said and I run towards the elevator as I hit the button for the top floor.

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