Calling all pun-et-teers!!

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Hey guys for this next chapter i need some really bad or funny puns! preferably Gravity falls related puns! i will most likely use all of them if any are said. if they r used I will give credit at the beginning of the chapter :D 

So my wonderful Willdip and Billdip shippers plz help me! even if you think its horrible. or even if its just a play on words! XD 

okay now a short lil one-shot to make this chapter worth reading! 

{ Mable's Ship crazy XD}

Dipper Pines and human Bill Cipher were cuddling on the couch.

" bill.... I fell like we're being watched" Dipper pointed out to Bill

Bill looked Dipper in the eyes " Maybe we are "

Suddenly Mable came out of nowhere, with a camera. She snapped a picture of Bill and Dipper. Dipper shot up. "mable!"

Mable giggled " I'm getting so many pictures for my scrapbook!"

Dipper pulled Bill up with him " lets go away from the Ship crazy Mable"

Bill chuckled " I think its kinda adorable "

Dipper sighed as they walked outside. The two ventured deeper into the woods hoping to loose Mable. They had a perfect romantic silence when glitter was throne at their heads.

" GAH MABLE" dipper screamed 

" WHYYY" Bill was shaking glitter out of his hair as Mable took a picture.

"MABLEEEE WHY" dipper questioned

" just one more picture then my scrapbook of you two will be done!" Mable squealed.

Bill grabbed Dipper's hand and sprinted at an inhuman speed back to the shack. He leaped onto the roof with Dipper. Dipper and Bill sat side by side on the roof, just waiting for Mable to come.

" I wonder how long it will take Mable to find us" Bill pondered

" not long. I dont know how she does it" Dipper giggled

Finally Mable was on the roof. They heard the snap of a camera then turned around to face her. 

" Done now?" Bill asked

Mable took one last picture " now im done"

Dipper and Bill sighed " good"

I wrote this one the spot XD so bad

Bill x Dipper one shots.Where stories live. Discover now