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The song fits this chapter. You can ignore the video because it's not Billdip. But u can watch it. It is good animation. :3

Dipper and Bill have been dating and Bill whent missing and had been gone for 6 months.

" hey Grunkle Ford!" Dipper whent running down the Ford's lab. Dipper stopped dead in his tracks seeing blood. It had a trail that led to fords body lying on the floor. Dead. Dipper ran back upstairs.
" GRUNKLE STAN" Dipper screamed. Stan came stumbling into the room.
" what kid?!" He asked. Dipper took a breath and then spoke.
" f-fords dead. "
Grunkle Stan shook his head " now pointdexter has done it. "
Dipper shook his head. " I think he was murdered. "
" how do ya know"
Dipper explained. " well. His through the slit along with a bunch of other huge cuts on him. I think he bled to death. "
Grunkle Stan nodded. " he has made some Enemies. "
Suddenly Mable came running down the stairs. " WHAT!" She exclaimed.
" uncle ford dead?"
Dipper and grunkle Stan nodded. Mable hugged grunkle Stan as dipper.
" we gotta find the killer. " Mable announced. Dipper smiled and nodded
" mystery twins?" He asked. Mable beamed. " mystery twins!"
Dipper and Mable grabbed their gear to go hunting.
" you kids be careful" said grunkle Stan as he waved bye to Dipper and Mable.
If only Bill were here. He could help..
Dipper and Mable set off into the woods on their way into town.
" MYSTERY TWINS!" Mable yelled. Dipper chuckled. " mystery twins, let's find out uncles killer"
Mable nodded.
Ford's death flashback
" n-no please don't" ford pleaded. The cloaked figure came forward still holding a knife. Ford tried to his his with his blade but he missed. A peice of the figures blonde-yellow hair floated to the ground.
This followed by a scream and a thud
Flashback done!
Mable and dipper searched around but found nothing. They decided to head back to the shack.
" grunkle Stan we're back!! " the twins shouted. There was not answer. Dipper shrugged. They guess he had just gone out again. Mable and Dipper ventured to their attic bedroom. Mable flopped down on her bed and waddles jumped up next to her.
" hey wadddles" Mable giggled. Dipper lay face up on his bed. He stared at the cieling.
" I hope we find him. " dipper whispered. Mable sat up and looked at him.
" who?" She asked. Dipper turned is head toward her. " the killer "
Mable sighed " yea "
A smirk crawled on her face " and your booyyyyyfrieeeeend"
Dipper blushed " maybe " 
The sun set and it got late. Dipper and Mable snuggle up in their beds.
" might mabes" dipper smiled. Mable did the same " night bro bro"
Dipper listened to Mable's breathing go even and drifted off to sleep himself.
After both twins where safely asleep a cloaked figure appeared in the room. He took his hood off revealing a blonde with glowing yellow eyes. He looked longingly at Dipper then turns to Mable. Making no sound he put a rope around the girl's neck. She tied a slip not and pulled it tight. Mable woke up.
" b-" Mable couldn't speak - not breath. Bill nodded and tied the loose end of the rope to te ceiling beam. Mable hung by her neck struggling. She struggled for 10 minutes then her body went limp. Bill untied her and out her back in her bed. He left the rope burns and carved a symbol into her arm. A shootstar. He quickly covered her back up and produced a peice of paper from his pocket. A family photo of Dipper, Mable, Grunkle Stan, ford.... And him. Bill took a black marker and put an X over Stan's, fords, and Mable's face. He was about to up the marker back but he pulled it out again. And put and X through his own face. Making no sound Bill placed the picture on Dipper's nightstand as diss appeared.
Dipper shot awake. Having a horrible nightmare about Mable dieing. He realized it was a dream. Dipper layed back down waiting for the hey DIPDOP! Good morning from Mable. Dipper ward silence other than his own break thing and sat up. He looked over to see a family picture. But everyone's faces had an X through them. Accept his. Dipper shot out of bed and whent to his sisters. He shook her lifeless body and cried out
Dipper collapsed on the floor tears streaking down his face.
" MABLE " he cried. " you were my only hope" he whispered. Soon that sorrow turned to anger at the murderer. Dipper got up and grabbed Mable's grappling hook and his knife. He marched out the door into the woods.  He marched a little ways then collapsed by a tree crying.
" I just can't anymore" dipper muttered. There was a rustling of leaves and Dipper looked up. He saw Bill {wearing yellow sweater and jeans. Looking beat and loving.} dipper shot up and ran to him. He hugged Bill like he would never let go.
" I'm glad you're back" dipper whispered in his ear. Bill wispered back
" I missed you Pinetree~"
Dipper smiled at Bill and held his hand. Bill smiled back
" time for your to sacrifice to Satan " Bill chuckled almost playfully. Dipper paused
" what?"
Bill nodded and smiled " come on Pinetree"
Dipper followed Bill. Not knowing what was coming.
Bill got dipper to stand in one place. He hugged dipper while wrapping a ripe around his waist. Dipper shrugged and Bill flipped a switch and opened a box. He smiled devishly at Dipper as the rope pulled his upward. Dipper was scared
" B-Bill what are you doin" dipper asked. Bill chuckled " your turn kid "
Dipper was confused. Then a blade cut his rope and he plummeted into the fiery inferno under him.
Dipper screamed as he burned alive. The scream slowly quieted. Then stopped.
Idk wat this is
Mable * as a spirit so u know* watched her brother helplessly die. As his spirit came up she gasped his * spirit* hand trying to pull him to heaven with her. But another red spirit grabbed him. Mable pulled and so did the other. Suddenly the spirt yanked and Mable lost her grip. She tried to get him but she was stopped. Mable watched sadly as her twin was dragged to Hell. He didn't deserve to go to Hell.
Back to the world
Bill watched Dipper's body burn to ashes. He laughed.
" HAPPY SATAN" he laughed.
We all still die, we all still die

Well everybody dies!! And Bill never loved dipper in this. So heh heh * inner fluffy fangirl ship dies*
BAI! Hope you enjoyed by dark chapter!!

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