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HEYHEY guys. I'm not all dead. So um this isn't made to be Billdip but whatever So the original is a girl ( brunett) and a guy ( ginger) but if you would like to insert them there go ahead.
If you like random short funny/ romantic stories try out my book " One Shots and such " randomness with any suggestions people may have.

* first person POV *

I stand and wait by my first period classroom door with my friends. I wait for my muse to walk by. I'm fingering my wristband and look down. Then I get a hard nudge in the arm. I look up and come eye to eye with the cutest ginger, my muse. He smiles blushy and walks over. I tug at the stings of my hoodie as he comes over. I take a deep breath and focus on his purple hoodie as I shove my certificate at my friend. When he comes over I kneel down on one knee he cocks his head on confusion. I put my hands up as if they hold a ring box and I say shakily
" Ollie Sendseon, will you do me the honnor of being my boyfriend?" He stares for a moment. Then says yes real quiet. I blush and smile really big as I pull him into a hug. He hugs back hard as my friend squeal around me. We realize the bells about to ring so I push him away as wave at him. He smiled and rushed to his next period. I stand there blushing like an idiot.
My muse said yes.

I hear the screams of my friends- who never scream - about that. Then I get a running hog from behind from Ab who is smiling out of control. Her ship came true

The ship of Rose Embers and Ollie Semson.

That's all I wanted to show. :)

Bill x Dipper one shots.Where stories live. Discover now