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what happens when something unusual happens with a boy and a demon?
Also I apologies in advance. I have a thing to make ford be the reason of some problems. I'm sorry. He's not evil but just is doing it out of love.
Enjoy your sin :)
" dipper wait!" Mable called after him. Dipper waved her off as he walked.
" I'll be back mabes" he sighed.
Dipper knew he did something.  He could feel it. But why did nothing show?
Dipper walked into the woods farther and farther. Trying to not hear the surprise from his uncles. He sits down on a fallen tree trunk.
There was a sound of footsteps in the forest. Coming from the middle of the forest. Dipper slowly got up and pulled out his pocket knife.
A boy only a little older than him came out of the woods. He wore a galaxy sweater with a closed eye on it. With a brick patterned black top hat- floating!- on his head. He smirked. He had yellow blonde hair an seems to glow.
" who are you!" Dipper asked.
"-awe Pinetree ~" the boy cooed.
Dipper backed a bit away
" Bill? " he muttered in astonishment.
" the one and only! "
Dipper didn't respond.
" like my body? It's so handsome like seriously" Bill laughed.
Dipper let out a small gasp.
Bill tapped dippers Pinetree hat
" look on your wrist Pinetree" he smiled. Dipper hesitantly looked at his wrist. There was a triangular brick figure on his wrist. In yellow. It was were all symbols showed up. He gasped.
" but how?!"
Bill smirked " I like you kid " as he pulled up his sleeve to show a matching tattoo. Dipper was trying to piece it all together. He nodded. Bill put his arm around dippers shoulders.
" don't get too comfortable Bill" dipper grumbled. Bill sighed and put his had. At his side.
To admit it dipper kind of enjoyed bills arm around his shoulder.
" let's go tell Mable" dipper fake smiled.
Bill beamed ad followed dipper.

They got back to the shack and Mable was standing outside sparring with ford , their sciencey uncle. Mable saw him and stopped everything. She ran over to him.
" so?" She asked. Dipper looked uneasy as he spoke.
" well.. I found..."
Bill smiled and waved at Mable. She wore her shootingstar sweater. Not looking intimidating. Mable smiled.
" a boyfriend?" She asked Bill chuckled. Dipper blushed. He blushed!
" no. NONNONO"
Mable giggled " ok. "
Dipper pulled up his sleeve showing the triangle mark.
" I found this idiot in the woods" he motioned to Bill standing behind him. Mable was confused. Then Bill rolled up the sleeve of his galaxy sweater. That looked like a real galaxy. Showing the exact same markings.
Mable gasped.
Dipper shrugged. " I DONT KNOW. "
Bill pulled his sleeve down. He hid a smirk as he backed away. Ford came up behind Mable.
" that's interesting. " ford noted. Dipper nodded.
" very"
Ford looked closer at the symbol. Then glared at Bill
" you did this. " he growled.
Bill responded smoothly " I didn't do this. I didn't ask to be bound to this meat sack "
" hey!" Dipper exclaimed. Bill slid his hand over dippers shoulder.
" your a cute meatsack Pinetree" Bill smiled. Dipper blushed.
" don't hurt my nephew cipher. I know what a demon like you might do"  ford spat. Bill seemed to cringe for a moment.
" I won't sixer. " Bill smirked. He squeezed dipper. Ford stomped away. Leaving Mable dipper and Bill.
Bill had a flash of love? And mystic.
He leaned over to pecked dipper on the cheek. Dipper blushed and Mable let out a squeal.
" Bill! Your bound to me" dipper squealed. Bill chuckled.
" shall the training begin?" He changed the subject.
" fine " dipper mumbled. Mable cheered
" can I join!"
Dipper chuckled. " sure. "

How could I be bound a demon? How does that work? He's cute. Wait what? Okay maybe.
" awe thanks Pinetree" Bill taunted. Dipper jumped a bit.
" what!"
Bill chuckled " I can't still read your mind Pinetree"
Dipper blushed. " so you heard "
Bill smiled " oh yea. " and leaned over and kissed him. Dipper blushed and pushed him away.
" bill!"
Bill laughed a bit.

Tiem skip to night.

Mable was already asleep. Unlike dipper. The twins lay in their beds. Bill came oer and sat at the end of dippers bed. He eventually layed down next to dipper.
" can't I unsummon you" dipper moaned. Bill looked amused
" only if you want me in your dreams "
Dipper shook his head. Rather not have a dream demon freak in his head.

Dipper couldn't get to sleep. Bills arms suddenly wrapped around Dipper's waist. Dipper found if comfortin. Event though he shouldn't. But dipper fell into a blissful sleep.

They trained and hug out for weeks. Dipper came to enjoy Bill. Even though ford hated him. Kept an eye on him. Mable seemed to squeal every time dipper or Bill would hug each other.
Mable shipper!! Sorry

Dipper sat up in his bed. A searing pain shot through his muscles. Dipper leaned over expecting Bill to be thee. AS allways. But nothing. He wasn't there. Dipper jumped out I bed. Trying to ignor the sudden pain all over him.

Dipper POV.
I ran downstairs to see grunkle Stan and Mable. Eating breakfast.
" where's great uncle Ford?" I ask. Mable shrugs. Grunkle Stan answers
" he went to finish some business "
I nod and join them at the table.
" have you sen Bill anywhere?" I ask as I grab some stancakes. Mable shakes her head. Grunkle Stan grunts and shakes his head. Dipper shrugs. Figuring Bill must have gone into the woods for something.
While they ate breakfast nobody really talked. Ten ford came through the door. He was beaten up, have various cuts, and various burns. Ford didn't notice dipper or Mable sitting at the table at the time.
Third person POV
" I got him. It's done. " ford smiled. Then saw dipper and Mable. His face paled. Mable asked first. WHIle dipper was just slightly shaking his head while it was in his hands.
" who??" Mable asked. Ford didn't answer and treys to dodge the question.
Mable looked at dipper whoes face was pink from the pain he left when he woke up. This time is worsened.
" u did it didn't you" dipper muttered.
" did what?" Ford asked. Playing dumb.
" him. U killed him. " dipper responded. Tears swelling up in his eyes. Ford was silent.
" great job pointdexter. I told you it wasn't a good idea " Stan chimed in. Mable gasped and suddenly ran out of the shack.
There was a couple moments silence then Mable's scream cut through the air. Dipper shot up. Ignoring the pain he still felt the best he could. And ran outside. Stan and ford stood inside. Not looking like they cared. Dipper ran out to find the horrifying sight.
There he was. Covered in bruises and cute. And a large cut along his throught. Where it seemed he bled out.
" I HUST STARTED" dipper screamed. " I JUST STARTED LIKIN YOU AD THEN. " dipper collapsed onto his knees.

" DIP DOP" Mable screamed in her brothers ear. Dipper shot upward from his bed.
"Huh " dipper mumbled. He just had the worst dream. And the weirdest.
"Bro bro" Mable giggled. She dragged him downstairs. Everyone was doing something. Then a boy a little older than him. Wearing a galaxy sweater. Walked in , he has a scar around his neck. He smiled at dipper.
" morning Pinetree " he taunted.

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