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Hello, this hopefully won't be that horrible. Anyways try to enjoy.

||-Alex's POV-||

A loud ring filled the large room, as my peers collected their belongings. I tapped my pencil on the desk, impatiently waiting for Mr. Stump to answer my last question.

"See you tomorrow. Please do not forget to study for the test," he said while sending a sharp glare towards Jack Barakat and his gang.

"You know I'm gonna ace that test, Patty," Jack said swinging his arm over Mr. Stump's shoulder.

Mr. Stump just rolled his eyes in annoyance. I think all of us are waiting for someone to teach Jack manners. I gathered my books, before shoving them into my bag.

"Mr. Stump, I was wondering if I could stay after tomorrow to finish my essay? I mean, like, if you're not busy," I mentally slapped myself for sounding like such a god damn idiot.

He chuckled, "Of course."

I nodded and swung my book bag over my shoulder before exiting the classroom. I can't believe how shy I get around anything attractive. I wonder if Mr. Stump knows how cute he looks with his patterned fedoras.

I walked toward my locker, but was quickly interrupted by my body being slammed against the hallway wall.

"How's it going Alex?"Jack hollered with a wicked smile.

Really? Out of everyone it had to be Barakat?

"It was doing pretty well, then you showed up," I replied.

"Why do you hate me so much, huh?" he shot back. I just rolled my eyes at that.

Why did I hate him? There were too many reasons, I don't know where I would start.

"You want the short list, or the long list?" I said as I pushed myself out of his hold and walked to my next class.


||-Jack's POV-||

"I'm home!" I said as turned the doorknob of my house. No reply. I jumped when I felt a small vibration in my back pocket.

Zack- Coming to the party tomorrow? Alex might be there. We can have some fun. ;)

I didn't bother to reply. I was to caught up in my own thoughts to answer.

I had completely ignored every text or call I had gotten. I knew everyone would be calling to ask why I didn't fuck up Alex.

I couldn't believe how much I hated the dork. With his little laugh, and his reading glasses, and his cute little nose...

I shook my mind from that thought. Cute little nose, really Jack? I headed towards the kitchen, grabbed a piece of left over pizza off the counter, and trudged to the living room.

I grabbed the remote and watched a bit of Netflix. I tried my best to pay attention to the movie, but my thoughts continued to trail back to Alex. I clutched the blanket that was on the floor, and covered myself in its warmth.

The movie had become boring to me, I didn't find two boys falling in love anything but, disgusting.

I pressed down on the power button and the silence of my house became eerie. It was around four o'clock when I dozed off into a state of sleep.



I apologize for how short this is. But hey, I had to start somewhere.

Gasoline (boyxboy) ✅Where stories live. Discover now