Chapter Seven

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||-Alex's POV-||

"Hey Alan, it's me. I was wondering if I could come over for a bit," my voice stuttered. I probably just was making myself sound like more of an idiot. I heard a sigh and within a moment, he replied with something I wasn't expecting.

"I thought you didn't have time? Well, maybe I don't have time for your bullshit," Alan's voice hissed. My heart clenched, I went to speak but it was too late, Alan hung up, the line went dead.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard a voice yelling after me, "Alex, please! Let me explain!" I didn't want to run away. I also didn't want to hear any of his shit. The only way I would feel better, or worse, was to know the truth.

I let him talk.

He told me everything, why he was with Brendon, why he left after he took my virginity, he told me everything. I believed some of the things he said, with other things I knew he was lying.

"I hope we can still be friends?" he said more like a question than a statement.

I laughed right in his face, not even saying a word.


||-Jack's POV-||

"What the hell! That was my power up!" I screamed at Austin.

"Sorry! It's not my fault your so slow!" he said, looking back at the screen. I groaned. The high from the drugs were kicking in. I wasn't against it but I needed to feel okay for just one day.

"Austin, don't you have to go to Alan's?" I questioned.

"Nah, he's probably busy anyways. I tried calling him, it went to voicemail," he stated simply. I shook my head, focusing on the game. The race ended and like usual, I came in first place.

"I told you Yoshi was the best racer!" I yelled in victory.

I received a death glare from Austin, which put me in a fit of laughter. I heard someone knock on the door. I got up from the couch, placing my controller on the table.

"Hey, wassup?" I said opening the door, not paying attention to who was there.

"H-hi," Alex's voice said.

Alex? Why was he here? I didn't ask, I just moved over so he could come inside. He didn't have an expression, he looked empty. "Hey Austin go in the basement, please. The old XBOX is still down there."

He didn't say anything, I just heard heavy footsteps going down to the basement. I lead Alex over to the couch.

"Are you okay?" I asked sitting down.

His lip quivered, "No."

It was horrible to see him like this. I didn't know what to do. I felt like I should hug him. I went with my instincts. I leaned towards him, placing my lips on his. He didn't kiss back, he got up, looking panicked.

What have I done?




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