Chapter Four

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||-Jack's POV-||

The day seemed to drag on for fucking ever. Every class was just as worse as the last. Alan wasn't in any of his classes. Alex wasn't here either. I didn't think anything of it. He didn't care a single bit about me, so why would I care about him?

Don't get me wrong when I got him drunk at my party, and I wanted to fuck him senseless, but he has his little Ryan. Just thinking of the scumbag's name had me at the verge of tears. What the hell was happening? I was usually so chill and calm, now I was such an emotional mess.

All of this from Alex? He was so smart, and he had those cute glasses he wore when he read, squinting to focus on each word. He was just so attractive, it started to bother me down there.

I looked down, and I used my flirtatious personality to my advantage.

"Excuse me, Mr. Stump?" I said as I walked towards his desk. I whispered in his ear, "I have a bit of a problem, can you help me fix it?"

He looked up, obviously not knowing where the problem was. "My dick, Mr. Stump. That's the problem," I kissed the back of his neck, feeling him shake from a chill. He pushed me back, making me sit down in the chair next to his desk. I groaned, "So I have to fix it myself?"

He just rolled his eyes, ignoring my sexual comments. "Fine, I'm gonna go to the bathroom," I said leaving the room without another word.


I rapidly exited the school, being that today was a Monday, I had to chase after someone to occupy me. "Hey, Ashley!" I yelled, trying to catch my breath. She turned around but kept walking.

"Ash!" I repeated. She turned to look at me.

"What Jack?" she practically growled at me.

"Wanna have some fun?" I said with a smirk, as I wrapped my arms around her waist. She nodded, taking my hand and leading me to her familiar house. I just needed a distraction.


||-Alex's POV-||

My eyes were practically on fire, I think it's unhealthy to stare at a phone screen for more than seventeen hours. I opened my contacts looking for Zack's contact. Did Jack even do anything about it? Did he care?

I kept scrolling, until a loud knock filled my ears. "Coming!" I hollered. I walked down the stairs, using my sweater sleeve to wipe some tears away. I opened the door, seeing a chest, level to my eyes. I looked up seeing Austin.

Before I could speak he quickly said, "Alan. Where is he?" I thought Alan was home already?

"Thought he was with you?" I said more like a question than a statement.

"He wasn't at school today. You weren't at school today. I thought you might be hanging out here or something." he muttered.

Where could he have gone off to? He didn't have many friends, and not going to school? Something had to be horribly wrong, Alan always went to school. Jack and Alan would battle out for the attendance award.

Hanging out? I was supposed to hang out with Ryan today, he never answered his phone. He was probably just busy after school or something. God, I loved him so much. The thoughts made my lips curl up into a small smile.

"Were you crying?" he asked, reminding me he was even there.

"Just feeling down." I simply mumbled. He nodded, not saying anything. I heard a small vibration, and then I saw Austin taking his phone out of his pocket. He looked down and his eyes immediately filled with fright. "What's wrong?"

"I-I got to go.", he opened the door and sprinted across the street.

This couldn't be good.



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