The Birth-Chapter 17{Edited}

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7 weeks later

I have been having contractions all day, but they aren't that strong yet. Alfie and my mum have been so amazing; I just can't wait for the babies to come though. Alfie and I have both messaged our families to let them know that I have been getting contractions.
"Zoe do you need anything?" mum asks me yelling from the kitchen
"No, I'm ok mum now come and sit down" I said to mum she hasn't sat down all day
"Ok I will be there in a minute" mum said which I know won't happen

I am at my office having a meeting, but I really want to be at home with Zoe. The meeting is about my new book that I just talked about on my newest video on my main channel.

20 minutes later

The meeting has finished and now I am at home sitting on the couch with Zoe. When I got home Zoe had told me that her contractions are getting stronger, so I called up the hospital and they said, if they get stronger and closer together to come in.
"I'm going to go and make some lunch, are you hungry Zoe?" I asked her
"Depends on what you're making" Zoe said
"Some sweet and sour chicken with rice. But if you don't want that I can make you something else" I said to Zoe
"No that sounds good" Zoe said with a smile

4 hours later

"Alfieeeeee we neeeeeddddd toooo go to theeeeeeeee hospitalllll" I said as I was having a contraction
"Ok" Alfie said as he helped me off the couch and into the car.
We drive to the hospital and they take us to the birthing suites.

9 hours later

After being in labour for about 9 hours, I gave birth to,

Zara Rose Deyes
Weighing: 6 pounds 2 ounces
Time: 1:23am
Date: 25th of April 2016

Asher Kai Deyes
Weighing: 6 pounds 8 ounces
Time: 1:28am
Date: 25th of April 2016

Alfie and Zoe
We are so happy to finally have Zara and Asher here. They are so perfect; we still can't believe we have a son and daughter.


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