Gender Reveal-Chapter 13{Edited}

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2 days later

Our Manager found a place just down the street that does ultrasound so we get to find out the gender of our twins. The appointment is at 12:15pm and it is only 7am, Zoe is still sleeping because the twins kept her up all night. Their already keeping Zoe up and they aren't even out yet.
"Morning Alfie" Zoe said as she turned around and looked at me.
"Morning beautiful, did you end up getting much sleep?"
"Not much about 3 hours" Zoe said
"Aww I'm sorry, why don't you try and get some more sleep and I will wake you up at 11 to get ready"
"Get ready for what?" Zoe asked sounding confused
"To find out the genders of the babies"
"OMG I forgot about that, baby brain mixed with being tired" Zoe said
"Are you excited though?" I asked her
"Off course I am" Zoe said
"All right I will leave you to sleep and will wake you up at 11"

"Zoe, Zoe wake up it's 11 o'clock" Zoe says to me waking me p instantly
"Sorry you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you but you have to drink lots of water and have something to eat before we go" Alfie says to me
"Ok I will get up can you order some toast and a cup of tea please?" I ask Alfie
"Of course but start getting ready and drink heaps of water" he says handing me a big drink bottle of water
Alfie walks out of the room and I get out of bed scull some water and hop into the shower. I then put on a nice strapless maxi dress because it's so hot here in Australia. Put on my makeup, put my hair up in a bun.

"Your foods here Zoe"
I walk into the living area and eat my toast drink my tea and it's now 11:45.
"Drink more water Zoe"
Alfie keeps reminding me to drink the water so that they get a good view of the babies, I take another big scull.

We both announced on our channels we are pregnant and that we won't be making a YouTube video on our channels for a while but we will make a video telling them the gender.


We Should start walking to the place now don't you think?" I ask Zoe
"Yeah I just have to quickly brush my teeth and put my shoes on" She says
"Ok done let's go" She says only taking like 2 minutes
We are walking to the place and in my head I'm thinking what I actually want us to have 2 boys, 2 girls or 1 boy and 1 girl. Of course everyone always says a boy and girl but I would really love 2 girls, 2 mini Zoe's running around the house would be amazing.

We walk into the Doctors reception area and check in.
As soon as we sit down we hear Zoe's name
"Zoe Sugg" the doctor came out and said
We walk into the room and she introduces herself
"Hello my name is Dr Parker, Zoe would you mind lying on the bed for me please"
I sit on a chair that's right next to the bed and Dr Parker stared doing the ultrasound, she explained to us everything and then said "Would you like to know the gender?"
"Yes please" we both said
"Ok let's see, so baby number one is a...
and baby number 2 is a,


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