Chapter 11: "He needs this...??"

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Me: "Well yes, I told him. We're flying back home tonight and he's gonna meet her."

Matt: "Good. He needs this right now." Matt said releived, then sighed. I gave a confused face.

Me: "What do you mean 'he needs this'?"

Matt: "I really shouldn't tell you....Just ask Jeff okay?"

Me: "Okay, well I gotta go, its been nice seeing you Matt." I reached up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I turned around and started heading back to the dressing room for my next outfit. >>><<< I left the vest open and my shorts unbuttoned. I came out to a bunch of wolf whisltes. I turn and see Jeff and Matt smiling. These are the poses I did. >>><<< (the bikini poses are the poses where she takes off her clothes). I took off the vest and pants and got even more wolf whistles.

-End Recap-

After I finished up taking my photo's I hopped down and was approached by Jeff and Matt. They both whistled at the same time. I rolled my eyes but smiled and blushed.

Matt: "You know, you could greet me the way you did again, right now....I wouldn't mind...."

Me: "Haha I know you wouldn't mind, but seriously guys, did I look okay taking my photo's?" They both looked at me like I was cazy! Jeff looked at Matt, like they were having a silent conversation with their eyes. Then Jeff grab my shoulder gently and looked down at me into my eyes. He gently ran his hands down my arms and grabbed my hands and interlocked our fingers and pulled me closer to him.

Jeff: "Never......Never ever, doubt yourself! You are beautiful and gorgeous and.....Just trust us, you looked amazing up there!"

Matt: "Okay lovebirds come on.....I'm still here ya know!?"

Me: "Sorry Matty. Umm hey, how about we all go get some lunch and catch up? Sound good?"

Jeff: "Yeah that sounds great!"

Matt: "Im up for it. Here it'll be on me guys"

Me: "N-" Before I could say anything both Matt and Jeff covered my mouth with their hand.

Matt: "I already said I was paying and theres nothing you can do to tell me otherwise." They removed their hands and I just stood there and pouted. They know I hate it when people buy stuff for me when I can do it myself.

Jeff: "Aww is somebody upset cause we wouldnt let her pay? *I nod my head* Want a piggy back ride? I nod my head*"

Me: "But first I have to get dressed so I'll be right back" I walked back to the dressing room and grabbed my bag that I keep extra outfits in just in case of emergencies. I changed and came back out.

Me: "Okay I'm ready, I came here with Jeff so since Matt is paying why don't we follow you to a place to eat?"

Matt: "Okay!" We walked out and me and Jeff hopped in his car and Matt in his and we followed him. On the way I was thinking about talking to Jeff about what Matt said when I said that Jeff was meeting Sapph "He needs this right now." What could that mean? I don't know but maybe I'll ask him later cause we just pulled up into a Golden Corral -_-....Of course this southern monkey wants to go to a buffet! Me and Jeff got out and walked towards the entrance.

By the entrance there was this group of guys talking and one of the guys was looking me up and down checking me out. I heard him whisper something to his friends and the he walked behind me and did the slap-n-grab on my ass!! I yelped and tunred around furious.

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