Chapter 13: "Are we on the roof?"

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He got up to leave but I got up and I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me. I wrapped my arms aorund his neck and pulled him down to me and connected our lips. He instantly kissed back and his hands found my waist. Our lips continued to move in sync with each others as our tongues danced on the ballroom floor which was our mouths. Once I pulled away I gave him a little peck on his lips.

Me: "I still love you......".....

-End Recap-

Me: "I still love you, I always will.......But I think you should just take some time off from dating and relationships when your divorce is finalized. Maybe you won't feel the same way about me then. Just take some time, let's go to North Carolina and see our daughter and just forget about Beth and the divorce and wrestling and just take some time to relax....Okay...??"

Jeff: "Okay, but I just want to be honest with you.....Even though Beth and I were dating and got married...I was still in love with you...But, I will take your advice and stay single for a while and try and get my head together....Now you need to get ready for Phil *Rolls eyes*" I smile and playfully slap his chest.

Me: "Good and I need to hurry cause I need to take a shower do my hair and all that kinda girl stuff.."

Jeff: "Okay I'll be right here.." I head off and go and take a shower and wash my hair and shave and all that good stuff. I wrap a towel around me and one around my hair and walk out to find something to wear. As I'm looking, out the corner of my eye I see Jeff staring at me like he's a hungry wolf looking at a piece of fresh meat.

Me: "Ughh take a picture it'll last longer" I say finding a dress. As I look to find some shoes I hear the snap of a camera. I roll my eyes and turn around to see Jeff putting his phone away. I chuckle and walk past him to my bag and gets some under garments. I grab my panties and slide them on with the towel still around me. I then turn away from Jeff and remove the towel.

Jeff: "Did you really have to turn around to remove the towel?"

Me: "Haha yes, you horn ball!!" I finish putting my bra on andwalk over to the dress I picked out. I take it to the bathroom with me and slide it on and continue to do my make up. I walked out the bathroom all finished and Jeff turned around and his mouth dropped. I smiled nervously.

Me: "Do I look that bad...??" Jeff looked at me like I had lost my mind. His eyes bluged out off his eyeball socket and his mouth hung open.

Jeff: "Are you serious...??! You look so beautiful, gorgeous, sexy that I'm jealous of Phil!!" I smiled and blushed. I walked over and grabed my shoes that were by the door, when someone knocked on it. I opened the door and there stood way above me was Phil. I smiled and he just stood there saying nothing.

I waved my hand in front of his face and he scared me by grabbing my wrist. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. I had to stand on my tippy toes cause I didnt have my shoes on and im only 5'1 and phil is like a whole foot taller than me!

Punk: "You look absolutely beautiful Skylar" I smiled and let go and continued to grab my shoes.

Me: "Thank you Phil. Come on in." I said as I sat down on the bed. I put my shoes on as Phil came in the room and saw Jeff and didn't pay him any attention and sat on the couch. I get up and walk over to Jeff.

Me: "I'll be back around eight, I have most of my stuff packed so it won't take me long to finish up. You can stay if you want, theres fod in the fridge and cable so....thats if you want to."

Jeff: "Yeah I'll uh...I'll stay here, but I gotta go and get my stuff of the tour bus, but I'll do that later."

Me: "Okay, I guess we're all set. Phil, you ready?" He got up and took ahold of my hand. He smiled and said.

Punk: "As I'll ever be." I smiled back and looked at Jeff.

Jeff: "Have a good time."

Me: "Thanks Jeff." I smled at Jeff and me and Phil walked out. As soon as we rounded the corner Phil dropped my hand and took ahold of my waist with both his hands. He looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back a little confused. Phil raised his hand and carressed my cheek. He leaned down a little and stopped and examined my face. I leaned up and connected our lips. Our tongues wrestled for dominance, as his won and explored my mouth.

We pulled away and looked at each other, breathless. He chuckled and I blushed with shyness and put my head down. He picked my head back up and kissed my nose.

Punk: "Don't do that. You're absolutely gorgeous when you blush!" I smiled and blushed even more.

Me: "Okay...So, where are we going?"

Punk: "It's a surprise, and you have to wear this." He pulled out a blind fold. I looked at him with a cocked eyebrow.

Punk: "Okay don't go all Dwayne on me here, I'm being serious haha, just put it on when we get in the elevator please?" I continued to stare at him for no apparent reason. He pouted and gave me one of the cutest puppy dog look of all time! Ughh soooo hard to resist....Gahh I can't keep doing this....He's done started whining like a dog now!

Me: "Ughh fiiiinnneeee!!" I finally gave in. Phil smiled and kissed me one last time before he took my hand and lead me to the elevator. He went behind me and but the blind fold over my eyes. We stepped onto the elevator and he pressed a button to make it start. I don't know if we'er going up, or down.

Me: "You know....this should be counted as a form of kidnap."

Punk: "You would love for me to kidnap you, take you away, where its just me and you, where I could do things to you only imaginable in teen girls' fanfiction." (A/N XDD)

Me: "PHIL!!"

Punk: "Whaaat, you know its true!" I kept quiet to the fact that he was right. I could do things to Phil, that would surprise even me! He is just sooo.....UGHH sexy its like everytime I see him its like I have an "Insta-gasm", an Instant Orgasm. Phil is one sexy piece of white chocolate!

And his eyes!! Oh my jeebus, he has some gorgeous eyes, they're green with tints of brown. And his body. He isn't a real muscle guy like John Cena, or Ryback, or Brock Lesnar, but he's certainly not average. He has muscle, its just covered by his meat. He has a nice tan, with some tattoo's that just compliment his skin so well. Don't even get me started on that booty of his! And those thighs! Ooo help me somebody, I'm getting goosebumps thinking about them.

The elevator dinged bringing me out my thoughts. Phil put his hand on the lower part of my back and guided me to wherever we were going.

Punk: "Now come here cause I don't want you to trip." He wrapped one are around my waist and I felt him bend down and next thing I know I'm up off the ground and in his arms. I smile as he continues to walk to the unknown place. He finally sets me down as he tells me not to take off the blind fold. As I'm standing here and waiting for him to give the okay to remove the blind fold, I feel a slight breez, as if we're outside. I can also here cars and traffic below me.....Wait a minute...BELOW me? What are we on the roof or something?

He finally gives me the okay to remove the blind fold and I see him kneeling in front of me on one knee with........


OOOO CLIFFY!! I'm sorry it took so long for me to update, my mom has been up my booty about cleaning the house! And I'm also sorry that I leave you with a cliffhanger but you know me...I'm evil >:-D MUAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAH MUAHAHHAHAHAH HAHAHA.....Okay enough of that lol. And yes I made up the term "Insta-Gasm" I was watching Raw and Randy Orton and he is one sexy piece of meat I tell you! But I thought of Instagram, and switched it to Instagasm XDDD. Anywhore, like/vote/comment/add to your library!! Thanks peoples MUAH!!

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