Chapter 16: "We're here as a family..."

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Me: "Of course. First, I want you to meet your first surprise....." Like I said Jeff came in slowly behind Sapphire. As he stood at the door, I looked behind her and smiled at him. Sapph looked confused and turned around. She gasped and smiled big.

Sapphire: "Mommy, do you know who that is??"

Me: "Yes baby, I do" I chuckled as she ran to him and hugged his legs.

Sapphire: "Its Jeff Hardy!!!"

Me: "Yes but, baby also....your daddy......"

-End Recap-

Jeff’s POV

I followed Skylar upstairs and almost knocked her down when she stopped abruptly.We stop at a door that is cracked open. I look inside and see a beautiful little girl around four years old. That must be Sapphire, my baby girl, my daughter. Skylar tells me to stay put until she mentions metting a surprise. I almost missed what she said by focusing on the beautiful little creature me and her made that’s sitting on her bed playing with her dolls. She goes in and I hear the little creature’s voice. It’s so small, and innocent and almost angelic.

I see Skylar look towards the door, and taking that as my cue, I walk in the room and the little one turns around. I hear her gasp and she turns around with a big toothy smile, as to which makes me smile.

Sapphire: “Mommy do you know who dtat is..??!”

Skylar: “Yes baby, I do.” Skylar chuckles as Sapphire runs up to me and hugs my leg. Skylar then tells the little angel that I’m her father. Sapphire starts getting teary-eyed and slowly lets go of my leg and looks up at me. I smiled weakly and kneel down in front of her only to be met with watery bright green eyes with mixes of brown

Sapphire: “Daddy..??” I smiled and nodded. She took me by surprise when she threw her tiny arms around my neck and wrapped her thin legs around my torso. I responded by taking her tiny waist in my arms and standing up. I look at Skylar and see she has watery eyes to. I motion for her to come her and I wrap one arm around her and pulled her in while still having a good grip on Sapphire.

Me: “Come on girls, don’t cry. I don’t want to see the two important girls in my life crying. We’re all her, and we’re here as a family…”

Sapphire: “But why didn’t mommy tell me you are my dwaddy?” She asked while bringing her head from my shoulder.

Me: “Sweetie, your mommy has been through some hard times. Don’t be mad at her honey, the only important thing is that we’re here now.”

Skylar: “So…Who’s ready to eat?” I smiled as Sapphire started bouncing and yelled out a very loud and playfull ‘ME!!” before she jumped down and skipped downstairs.

Skylar: “Let’s just say she’s a fan of AJ’s haha”

Skylar’s POV

Everything couldn’t be more perfect right now, Sapphire has her father, I’m here visiting mi familia, I have a wonderfull boyfriend, I have my dream job where my wonderfull boyfriend also works. My life is like a farytale right now. I followed behind Jeff down the stairs and into the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and saw one of my best friends from middle and high school.

Me: “LIZZY!!!!”

Liz: “SKIZZIE!!!” We ran at each other and embraced one another. Liz is my ride or die chick, my partner in crime, the ying to my yang!! I can seriously call this girl my sister. We have been there for each other through the good and the bad, the thick and thin. She was the one to keep me grounded and not let all the fame get to my head. She was the one to, when needed, remind me where I came from and helped me stay true to who I was.

We pulled away from the embrace and I took in all her features. Her eyes still the same beautiful green with hints of gold, her hair just as silky as it wants to be, and even after all this time still has her bangin’ body!!

Me: “Wow, you haven’t changed one bit!! Still the babe-ish heartbreaker you were before I left!”

Liz: “Well you know how I do haha” She said while popping her collar.

Liz: “And what about you Ms. Butt-Kicker…?? I’ve been watching and I must say, I am so proud of you!!”

Me: “Thanks girlie that means a lot! So how are you and Whats-His-Face doing?”

Liz: “Drake? Oh I dumped his sorry ass! You know we went out to dinner one time and he got up to use the bathroom and never came back?!!”

Me: “WHAT?!! Ooo wait until I see him, I have a couple body slams with his name on them!”

Liz: “Oh don’t worry my dad got him…” Me and Liz looked at each other with the same knowing look.

Me+Liz: “SHOTGUN BULLET TO THE ASS!!” We both busted out laughing. Good times.

 I look over and saw Jeff cutting up Sapphire’s pancakes and smiled as she flicked syrup on his nose. He responded by dabbing whiped cream on her nose. She giggled when one of the dogs licked it off. Jeff looked over and saw me looking waved. I laughed and waved back. I turned back to Liz and she was staring at me with the same smile we would do when we knew something was up.

Liz: “So who’s the hottie playing daddy with Sapphire?” I smiled. Even though she’s my ‘sister’  never tld her who Sapphire’s father was.

Me: “Her dad…” She laughed and then realized what I said.

Liz: “WHAT!! Skylar why didn’t you tell me!!??”

Me: “Because I didn’t want anybody outside of the family knowing, and no offense cause you are like my sister but you would have told him.”

Liz: “I don’t even know him”

Me: “Yes you do. You may know him 1 of 2 ways. Or both..”

Liz: “Who is he?”

Me: “His name is Jeff……Hardy” I prepared myself for the slap on my arm that I knew was coming. Which it did.

Liz: “Jeff Hardy as in the famous, sexy wrestler Jeff Hardy?!!”

Me: “Yes, but he is also the same Jeff Hardy who I grew up with and went out with for eternity and a day!”

Liz: “That Jeff Hardy? I thought they were two different people?”

Me: “Nope. But I will tell you all the details later for now, enough jaw jacking I’m hungry!!” We made our way to the table and sat down. I sat with Jeff on one side and Sapphire on the other, with Liz infront of me.

Kevin: “About time!! You guys had a freaking reunion over there!!” My little brother said which earned him a kick to the shin from me and a slap to the back of the head from Liz. Me and Liz smiled at each other and laughed.

Mom: “Okay guys settle down. Let’s all just eat and enjoy that we have some time with Skylar.” We all aggreed with mama and started passing around food. When everybody got their plate we started to eat until there was a knock at the door. Mama got up and went and got it. We all just continued talking util she got back. She came back but with someone I never thought I would have to see again.

Mom: “Heyy everybody look who finally came!!” We looked up and indeed it was him!

Me: “ANDRE!!!??”

I looked at Liz to see her already looking at me with a look saying ‘Oh shit he’s here’……….


Ooooo Andre…?? Who even remembers him? If not he was the boyfriend of skylar’s mom while skylar was still growing up. He was also the man who raped skylar when she was younger….Anyway hope you all liked it and Liz is played by a person I have taken a liking to, and we are on our way to becoming best friends…..LailaOfficial go give her a follow!! And don’t forget to comment on what you liked/disliked!! And the link to the side is the House. The first bedroom is her mom's the second is skylars and pretend that upstairs there is a hallway and there two doors one for the washing room and the other for sapphires room

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