Chapter 4: Decisions

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-Recap: I just had a flashback and we are on our way back to the hotel-

I was pulled outta my thoughts by Punk placing his hand on mine.

Punk:“ Hey, its gunna be alright, Adam was a douche. He had a real diamond, but went for the cheap, fake diamond they sell at dollar general….you just need to forget about Adam, he’s in the past an-“ I interrupted him

Me:“and your my future..” I looked at him as he pulled up into the hotel parking lot. After he parked he turned and looked into my eyes.

Punk:I will always be in your future, no matter what role I’m playing, protective brother/friend, or protective boyfriend….I will always be here for you Skylar, this I promise…” he put two fingers under my chin and pulled my face towards him. When his lips touched mine, they just molded together. All my memories, and all my worries were all washed away for this one moment. His lips are just so moist and soft. And the lips ring is a bonus for me. His beard kinda tickled but I was okay with it, at least he didn’t have a beard like Bryan Danielson(Daniel Bryan). That guy honestly looks like a goat face. Punk pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

Me:”thanks you for everything Punk…..I had an awesome time..”

Punk:“okay I thought I went on a date with Skylar, not The Miz..” he chuckled at then end, and I just smiled innocently.

Me:“well let’s just say…..I took his word hostage, and I wish he would run outta words like cell phone minutes.”

Punk:“now that would be awesome” I smiled and nodded. I opened the door and got out. When I got out Punk squatted down so I could jump on his back. I hopped on his back and he started walking to the lobby, to the elevator…e-e-e elevator.. haha love that song. Just then I remember our convo before the date.

Me:“heyy Punk you remember how I said you were number two?”

Punk:“yeah why?”

Me:“because you’ve been moved to a new spot…”

Punk: “am I number 1?”

Me:“ no you’ve been removed…”

Punk:“why? And who was I replaced by?”

Me:“you we’re replaced by Yoshi Tatsu, and…*whispers in his ear* you broke my scale *blows in his ear a lil*

Punk: “fuckin tease…” Punk mumbled. I couldn’t help but smile. Ohh yeah note to self call mom before I go to bed. In case your wondering why I say call mom before I go to bed, its because I haven’t talked to her in a month, her, Sapphire, Charles, and the rest of my family.

 I miss all the good times I had when I was growing up. I remember all the pranks me, Jeff, and matt would pull on each other, and on Charles, and when they’re there we would pull some on Kevin and lil Jim too. Charles is my older cousin. He’s got 10 years on me. Kevin is my younger brother, I got 2 years on him!! J. And Jimmy, or lil Jim as we like to call him, is my older brother, he’s got one year on me.

See my childhood may confuse some, but I’ll explain it anyway. On September 10 I was born. My birth mother Angel, has a sister named Cynthia, my aunt. Cynthia had only one child, Charles, my cousin. Cynthia wanted a girl but couldn’t have any more children after Charlie was born. So after 10 years of waiting, on Sept. 10,1984 I came along into the world. Angel, my birth mom, had already had 3 kids before me. My older sister Candy(the oldest), my older brother Tommy(second oldest), and my other older brother Jimmy(third oldest). So Angel gave me to her sister Cynthia. And of course 2 years after I was born Kevin was born. And now my aunt by blood is my mom by law. So when I say mom or mama I mean Cynthia. Hope I didn’t confuse any of you.

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