Chapter 14: "Those three little words....."

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Punk: "Now come here cause I don't want you to trip." He wrapped one are around my waist and I felt him bend down and next thing I know I'm up off the ground and in his arms. I smile as he continues to walk to the unknown place. He finally sets me down as he tells me not to take off the blind fold. As I'm standing here and waiting for him to give the okay to remove the blind fold, I feel a slight breez, as if we're outside. I can also here cars and traffic below me.....Wait a minute...BELOW me? What are we on the roof or something?

He finally gives me the okay to remove the blind fold and I see him kneeling in front of me on one knee with........

-End Recap-

With flowers in his hands. And not just any type of flowers, my favorite, pink roses! Theres probably a hundred in the bouquet..!!

Me: "Wow....uhh- Phil, this is so sweet of you! Thank you." I said as I accepted the flowers. He smiled and stood up. I pulled his head down and kissed his lips. I pulled away and glanced behind him and saw a single table set up for two, and there were rose pedals surrounding the table in the shape of a heart. With the lit candles and the beautiful night sky, with the city lights it was just amazing!

I gasped in awe as I took in the sight. I walked over to the edge of the roof, sat the roses down on a window pane type thing and looked out at the sea of spectacular gorgeousness that was the night lights of Arlington. I smiled as Phil came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, and laid his head on my chest and planted a small kiss upon my neck. This couldn't be more perfect! Wait did I just hear a click?

Phil: "You know......This moment right here, right now, with just you, me, the gorgeous sight.....oh and the view of the city lights to....."

Me: "Haha okay and your point Mr. Brooks?"

Phil: "Well as I was saying Mrs. Brooks.....This moment, couldn't be more perfect...." I smirked and chuckled. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned closer to him and whispered:

Me: "I was just thinking that....And wait...did you call me 'Mrs. Brooks'?" There was the click sound again.

Phil: "Yeah....I just....Skylar, I have such strong feelings for you. You're beautiful, humble, sweet, caring, but at the same time you're a badass, a rebel who doesn't take shit from just anybody.....In ways we are totally different but you compliment me and in so many ways we're like two people in one.....You're like the, and sorry for being corny here but, you're the straw to my berry, the apple to my pie, the smoke to my high and I don't even smoke, the ice to my cream..and this time again, I'm hoping that you would be the girl to my friend...??"

Woah....wait did Phil just ask me to be his girlfriend? Well duh ya nut! Okay you know what, I don't need your sarcasm right now missy! What're ya gonna do, choke me out..?? Okay I really need to stop arguing with myself

Me: "Phil....I would love to be the girl to your friend!" We both smiled wide and connected out lips. I must say this kiss is by far the most passionate, love filled kiss me and Phil have ever shared. Thats what I love about Phil, he pours all his feelings and emotions into his kisses. Even when he's eager he's still gentle. Theres another one of those damn clicks!

We pulled away and just stared into each others eyes. We smiled and started laughing. He took my hand and lead me to the table. He pulled out the chair and sat me down like a gentleman. He sat acrossed from me and I saw him press a button on his watch. A few seconds later Anthony better known as Santino Marella came through the door dressed in a nice buttler looking suit.

Anthony: "Ah good evenings Mister and Missus. I uh have here for yous, the menu for tonights dinners." I smiled and thanked him as I took my menu. I opened it up and turned it sideways and it read 'SPAGHETTI'

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