iii| love

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Jimin pulled his knees up to his chest, creasing the covers and making a mess of them. He was lonely again, now Dr.Min had left - alone and left to stare at the monochrome colours of the room.

The doctor said he'd be back, but it could be a while.

Jimin didn't really feel the effects of time in this room much, and even though he had a clock and a window, all the days and nights just seemed to merge into one. There was no tomorrow, or yesterday, it was all just 'earlier' or 'later.'

It was boring, but Jimin was used to it. After all, there wasn't much he could do about it.

He wanted to walk around the halls, or go to the canteen, or maybe even go into the gardens outside, but he couldn't - he wasn't strong enough, or well enough yet. He was too weak and frail.

So, he patiently awaited Dr.Min's return. He ate a little more of his tea than he did yesterday, and that made him feel more confident in himself, and how he could hopefully walk around the hospital ward soon. They also served his favourite drink today at tea, so that brightened him up a little. Soon enough, it got dark, and he still hadn't seen the doctor.

It grew colder too, and the cool breeze that drifted through his window now turned into a chilly wind, so he went to close it.

Holding onto his IV, and taking the drip with him, he slowly made his way over to the window. With shaky legs and a constant shiver running through him because of the icy air, he shut the window and drew the curtains closed. His white hospital gown didn't do much to keep him warm when he was out of bed, but he was never that warm anyway because of his eating disorder; it made him feel the cold more intensely because he didn't have the fat to keep himself warm enough.

He climbed back into bed, sighing as he pulled the covers over himself again to warm himself up. The drip was back in place next to his bed, and he couldn't help but glance at the uncomfortable IV that dug into his skin on his hand. A blossoming purple and blue bruise always there underneath the soft fabric and medical tape the hospital used to cover it.

He lay there, staring at the ceiling for a while, wondering whether Dr.Min would keep to his word of visiting again. Sometimes he did. Sometimes he was too busy - it was understandable- but it made Jimin feel lonlier than he already did.

A knock, all too familiar and reassuring, accompanied by the soft voice of Jimin's favourite person. Maybe it was love, maybe it was dependance; Jimin hadn't figured it out yet, but he wanted it to be the former.


"Come in."

Yet again, Dr.Min pulled up a chair. Closer, this time, and he didn't hold a clipboard in the slender fingers of his.

"Why don't you have your clipboard?" Jimin asked, glancing at the doctor's pake, empty hands.

"I came to talk to you, Jimin." Dr.Min laughed softly, "I can do that, right?"

A pale pigment of pink worked its way onto Jimin's thin cheeks, but it was barely noticeable in the lamplight that was illuminating the room.


aaa sorry for the late update, ive been super busy with school yo

here u go ch3

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