xi| new faces

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As Jimin sturdied himself with the IV, he follower Dr.Min slowly down a corridor, passing a common room. He saw other patients, and they were smiling and laughing. Some were sat quietly reading or drawing. He was intrigued and made a mental note to one day venture into that busy room. Yet, that was for another time; right now, he had to follow Yoongi to meet a new doctor.

When they finally stopped, only a few rooms down from the common room, Dr.Min stood by the door and smiled softly. His white, feathered wings brushed the floor gently and it looked like a welcoming glow resonated from the mint haired doctor. When Jimin blinked, the wings were no longer there, and the warmth was gone. Cold colours were all around him and he longed to be in the warm arms of the literal angel stood infront of him.

"Hey, Jimin, this is Dr.Jung's room." Yoongi spoke, catching the wandering attention of the orange haired patient, stood dazed in the empty, white corridor.


"He'll be asking you about Tae, he wants to know more about your friend." Yoongi replied, choosing his words very carefully so he didn't worry Jimin.

"I see." Jimin replied solemnly. He was scared of how Taehyung had began acting, and he knew that his friend didn't like being spoken about. It made him angry, and that struck fear deep into Jimin's frail heart.

Yoongi placed his hand on the cold steel doorhandle and pushed down, making a clicking noise that could only just be heard over the background noise of communication in the common room, just a bit down the white hallway. The door to Dr.Jung's room opened, and Jimin heard the shuffling of papers and the moving of a chair.

He stepped into the room, IV by his side, and looked at the new doctor.

Brown hair that was slightly curled, and a long white coat just like Yoongi's. Although, he didn't carry a clipboard around and his appearance was much more disheveled than what Jimin was used to. This doctor seemed very relaxed and happy; maybe too relaxed judging by the stacks of paper on the desk, and a couple of sheets on the floor which must have fallen from the desk, gone unnoticed by Dr.Jung.

There were two small, black leather sofas at either side of a low, wooden coffee table with an array of items on top. The room was welcoming, with bookshelves and books and a soft rug.

Jimin liked the aura of the room, and the friendly vibes the doctor was giving off as he sat behind his desk, smiling at him.

"You must be Jimin?" He asked.

Jimin nodded, unable to form words. This was his first interaction with another person besides Yoongi and Taehyung; it made him nervous. He couldn't help but worry that Tae would get angry at him for this.

Dr.Jung laughed softly, "not much of a talker, huh? Take a seat, you must be tired from walking all that distance."

The doctor was really understanding and kind, and he walked from behind his desk to Yoongi, who was stood at the door watching the scene unfold in front of him.

They spoke lowly and quietly, so Jimin couldn't hear.

"I'll be back in an hour Jimin, don't worry, Dr.Jung is really nice. If you want me, get him to call for me."

Jimin smiled softly, cheeks a light pink, and he nodded in response, before focussing his gaze onto Dr.Jung.

"So," the doctor sat across from him, a notepad and fountain pen in his hands, "how are you Jimin?"

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