iv| voices

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'why does he talk to me?' Jimin wonders as the angel of a doctor sat talking to him.

Literally, Jimin saw Dr.Min as an angel. The white feathered wings extended from his back and the tips of the lowest feathers would dust the floor now and again.

"Jimin? Are you okay?" Dr.Min said, and suddenly the wings were gone.

The orange haired boy blinked a few times, "y-yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" The doctor looked slightly concerned, worried even, as the smile on his face dropped. "Jimin?"

"I'm okay! I ate my dinner and I managed to walk to my window and close it and get back!" Jimin was panicking. He didn't like what just happened.

Maybe it was because he didn't eat enough; he didn't really know. But, it scared him a little.

Dr.Min realised that Jimin was panicking so he tried to calm him down, "its okay, you've done good today." His smile was soft and comforting, and he placed a hand on Jimin's arm, just above his wrist and the IV tube in his hand. "I'm proud of you."

They were the only words of encouragement Jimin needed to hear from the doctor. In honesty, Jimin could listen to the mint haired guy talk all day. His voice was soothing. Slightly rough, and deep, but soothing.

He liked so much about the doctor, but he didn't really know much about him.

"Hey, Dr.Min... what's your real name?" Jimin played with his fingers as he asked this, and upon receiving a chuckle from the doctor, relaxed a little.

"Yoongi. My name is Min Yoongi."

"That's a nice name, dr- uh, Yoongi." Jimin was blushing furiously as he said this, still looking down and playing with his fingers.

He had the confidence to ask another question, "have you worked here long because I had a different doctor before you. I like you more."

Jimin was hinting at things, subtly, and Yoongi did notice. "I only transferred recently, which was just before I became assigned to this ward."

A small silence, and Yoongi checked his watch - 21:58.

"You're cute Jimin, we should talk more when I have more time."

"I- uh- okay." Jimin stuttered, heart racing.

"Now get some sleep, it will help." The doctor chuckled as he put the white chair back in its place and left the room, "night!"

'he's only saying that you're cute because he wants to make you feel better.'

wow im bad at updates lately
ive been busy with chinese new year & my lion dance team~ sorry for slow updates!

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