xii| conversations

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The two of them spoke for a while, Jimin relaxing with every sentence spoken. There was just something so friendly about Dr.Jung that seemed to calm him so much.

He was easygoing, which made him so easy to talk to. Jimin slowly came out of his shell and opened up about Taehyung to the doctor. He realised that it was the best option, and nothing bad would come from it because Yoongi had told him so.

Jimin had all of his trust in Yoongi, and loved him with all of his frail heart. He used to not believe that someone as ill and shy as him could ever find love, but he found it in the most unlikely of places, with the most unlikely person; his own Doctor.

Whether that was right or wrong didn't matter, because its nobody else's opinions that control them. Although, Jimin only knew around three or four other people.

"What is Taehyung like? Is he a good friend?" Dr.Jung, who had also allowed Jimin to call him by Hoseok to make him more comfortable, asked.

"He's-" Jimin cut off and turned to the window, which had none other than Taehyung stood beside the fluttering white curtains. He grinned, staring at the orange haired boy and tapped his foot repeatedly on the wooden floorboards.


The fear of saying something wrong and getting scolded for it.

"He's a good friend." Jimin said, lying through his teeth, "he's always there and sometimes I do miss him. He's great."

Hoseok nodded, a curl falling over his eye. "I see, I see."

He brushed the curl away with his finger. The doctor furrowed his brows, but softened his expression mere moments later. He knew that the patient sat in front of him was lying, due to Yoongi pre-warning him about Taehyung, and how he scared Jimin into avoiding the truth.

"Is there anything else you'd like to talk about Jimin?"

"No, I'm okay for now." The sickly boy replied, avoiding eye contact with the doctor as he tried to ignore Tae's deathly stare.


He knew by that look that he was in trouble, and he was scared of what his friend would do.

"Well, Jimin," Hoseok began, "I'll be meeting with you once a week from now on! It's been lovely to meet and chat with you!"

A smile that shone like the sun on a beautiful summers day rest on the doctors face.

"Thanks Hoseok! Its been great to meet you!" Jimin smiled, quickly glancing over to where Tae had previously stood; he wasn't there anymore.

After five minutes of waiting, Yoongi arrived to walk Jimin back to his room.

"So chimchim, how was it?"


im back at school but ill update as much as pos!! love u guys and ur patience

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