xiv| fall

423 39 5

warning: maybe distressing imagery? ((also if you guys spot anything in this book that is romanticising/inaccurate let me know!!))

The sun had just fallen below the horizon, allowing the darkness to claim the sky above. Alone, under the thin sheets of his bed, lay Jimin.

His breathing was shallow and short; sweat formed on his forehead as he twisted and turned under the sheets.

"stop it.." he whimpered, a hand gripping his wrist tightly.

"why are you scared? why?" the voice growled, "what did I ever do to you?"

Fear; a feeling Jimin knew all too well. Like an icy north wind, the question froze Jimin in place, his breathing still rapid and uneven. No words formed, they stuck in his throat and he felt like he couldn't breath.






And Jimin began to choke on his words. He bolted upright and gasped for breath, eyes wide like a deer in headlights - it was how he felt - stunned into silence.

When he regained his breath, Jimin collapsed backwards into hid bed, tears streaming down his hollow cheeks. Small, pained sobs escaped from within as he curled up to protect himself; the sheets that covered him didn't offer any help, he felt vulnerable and alone.

"Yoongi... help." Broken, pained words were whispered at the walls of his hospital room.

He was alone; alone with the sound of his thoughts and the light tapping of the rain on the window as it began to fall.

There were eyes watching him from the corner of his room, the part where the silver rays of moonlight couldn't fully illuminate, he was sure of it. Cold, menacing eyes clouded with a purpose that Jimin couldn't quite work out whenever he saw them. Deep brown eyes that should be familiar, but lately they've become his worst nightmare.

"Taehyung..." Jimin murmured, slowly sitting up and turning his head to the dark corner of the room, "why are you always here lately?"

It took all the confidence Jimin had left to challenge his friend, and he didn't even get a reply in the form of words, Taehyung just grinned in response.

"Is it Yoongi?"

The rain picked up, a constant, louder assault of the water on the glass windows. It lapsed Jimin's focus on his friend as he glanced at the window and the brewing storm outside, but when he looked back to the corner, Tae wasn't there anymore.

"Jimin, why?" The voice from behind startled the frail boy, and he turned sharply to find his friend stood at the bedside table, with Jimin's photo frame in his hands.

The small white frame had Jimin's favourite photo in it; it was Tae and him as children - only about 8 years old -  in a park with dirty knees and ruffled hair, arms round each other and grinning like there wasn't a care in the world.

"We aren't like this anymore. You ruined yourself, look at you."

Jimin was stunned into silence, although it was rare that he had much to say to Taehyung lately; his presence was a bad omen.

"you're disgusting, I can't believe that I started visiting you again to see you get better, but I find out you're talking about me and you're trying to get with your doctor. Jimin are you that desperate at nineteen?" Venom dripped from the words being spoken so bluntly.

"N-no... thats not-" Jimin began to speak back, but was cut off by the smashing of the photo frame on the floor.

"Fuck you Jimin."

The orange haired boy scrambled out of bed, onto his knees where the glass had smashed, trying to salvage the frame and the photo that he held so close to his heart. Taehyung had turned so quickly on Jimin, misunderstanding everything.

"Why don't you just go ahead and die Jimin? You don't appreciate the effort I have to put in to get here without that Yoongi knowing. You don't appreciate your best friend, who's always been here for you, have you forgotten that?"

Taehyung crouched so he reached Jimin's eye level, and picked up some glass that was strewn across the floor.

"Of course I haven't forgotten!" Jimin raised his voice slightly, eyes wide in horror at the words coming from his friend's mouth.

"You forgot me, don't you dare lie to me."

Jimin fell backwards, glass staying stuck in his knees as blood dripped from around all the shards. The crimson ran down his legs and he felt a sharp pain on his wrist.

More crimson.

"Taehyung stop it!!" Jimin screamed.

It dripped onto the floor at a constant speed, just like the rain on the window from harrowing storm outside.

He grabbed his wrist; sobbing, terrified and in agony from all the broken glass.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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