ix| warmth

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Yoongi walked into Jimin's room, and sighed. The boy was stood by the window, clutching his IV and leaning against the wall.


No response. Just the deafening silence of the room.

"Please talk to me."

Still nothing.

"We have to talk about yesterday -  did you eat? Did Taehyung come to visit?"

"Yes to both." Jimin's reply was short, and his voice was raspy.

The two had barely spoke to one another for several days. Jimin had gone severely downhill since then, and he stayed up at night, crying until he didn't have the energy anymore. He'd sit, alone and in complete darkness, staring with eyes that burned because he'd been awake, or cried, for so long.

Yoongi had come to put an end to the awkwardness they had - so he walked over to Jimin and stood infront of him, obscuring the window from the younger's view.

"We need to talk; not about what I ask everyday, but about what happened a few days ago."

Jimin sighed, avoiding the stare of the doctor. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Jimin..."  Dr.Min said softly, placing one hand on the small of Jimin's back and pulling him closer. He used his other hand to tilt Jimin's face up, and kept eye contact.

The younger's face flushed with pink, and he was left without anything to say. Then, the doctor leaned in and their lips connected once again. As Yoongi kissed, Jimin kissed back.

It felt so right.

When they stopped, Jimin buried his near-red face into Yoongi's shoulder. Sunlight flooded into the room from the window and the glow wrapped around the two, and it was a moment of pure happiness for Jimin; something he'd not felt in a long time.

It was a wonderful feeling, and the warmth of it spread throughout his body.

It was ruined though, as he heard the door open and a familiar voice call his name.

Yet, the door didn't open, and Taehyung was still somehow stood there. That always confused Jimin; his friend could just enter rooms without opening any doors or windows.

"J-Jimin? What are you doing?" His voice stuttered, and Jimin jumped in shock away from the doctor.

"Ah! T-Tae... I was-"

"No its okay. I know." Taehyung said; it sounded like he was being understanding and friendly, but there was a much darker intent in his eyes.

Yoongi watched Jimin carefully, ready to help him if he became too shaken.

"I..." Jimin mumbled.

"Its fine. No worries." Taehyung said, smiling. It could easily be mistaken as a friendly action, but there was a sly grin behind it all.

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