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Remember the place where Zacky took (y/n) out for dinner? And they danced to an orchestral version of Afterlife?

This is where Matt and Val took the two for their dinner...

The four had special reservations for tonight, so of course they'd be dressing up.

Matt and Zacky kept it classy with their maroon and forest green button ups, while Val and (y/n) wanted to flaunt their looks and money.

"This place is one of my favorites." Val grinned her wide grin as she took her seat besides Matt.

"I remember when I took (y/n) here," Zacky spoke up, craving to show off his gentleman side, "remember?" His elbow nudged hers.

(Y/n) just smiled and nodded, focused on the variety of menu options.

"Man I'll tell ya," Matt leaned forward, "as much as we love a woman's package deal, some of the ladies here can really pull off the prostitute look."

"Package deal..." (Y/n) shook her head and rolled her eyes.

"Hey, how do you think I feel? I'm married to him." Val chimed in which actually made (y/n) feel a little calmer about the typical male behavior.

"Speaking of prostitutes, did we all hear about my sister?" The platinum blonde refused to look up from her menu as she nibbled on the corners of her lips.

"Brian was saying something about it." Zacky said.

"Ever since that divorce she's been completely fucked. But I honestly never expected her to go as low as where she is right now."

"I'm just thinking about River too. Asking where his aunt is. The one who looks just like you in all of these pictures he'll see." (Y/n) looked up with her (e/c) orbs twinkling under the dim light.

It was moments later a waiter dressed in black and white appeared.

"Good evening, and welcome. I do hope your evening is delightful. Can I start you off with beverages?"

"Yes, I'll take an ice tea with lemon please." Valary's famous toothy grin shined bright.

"Make that two." Matt chimed in.

"For you?" The waiter looked over at (y/n).

Silence spoke.

Zacky was oblivious to the whole thing until he looked up a minute later.

He did a double take on his wife and realized that she had been in an uncomfortable situation.

Her eyes were wide and her body was frozen as the waiter locked eyes with hers.

Zacky looked back and forth between the two.

"Hey...hey honey, what's wrong?" Zacky whispered as he blocked the waiter from her vision.

(Y/n) opened her mouth to speak but nothing could come out.

"(Y/n)." Zacky placed a hand on her cheek as she grabbed her purse and excused herself from the table.

"Val." The two men synchronized as the tall female followed her friend.

Zacky watched her walk off before he spoke...

"Got a problem, bud?" He whispered in a threat-like tone.

"No. I don't really understand what just happened."

Zacky huffed and sat back.

"I'll have a beer, thanks." He spoke without looking up.

The waiter nodded and cooly left the table side.

"I don't have the fondest idea what the hell that was about." Zacky said in a hushed tone as both males leaned forward.

"Maybe it was someone she knew from school." Matt suggested.

Zacky looked back at the waiter to get another look.

It was then Matt felt a vibrate. He pulled out his phone.

"It's Val."

Zacky quickly turned back around.

"What'd she say?"

There was a pause before he spoke.

"Meet Val by the restrooms."

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