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"Mrs. Baker...would you be willing to answer a list of questions I have here in this folder?" A honey blonde lady dressed in black and gray held up a blue folder.

(Y/n) nodded.

Sheets of paper were taken out and attached to a clip board. The blonde sat back in her chair across from (y/n) and took a pause before she spoke.

"Mrs. Baker, are you throughly aware of the situation?"



"Would you consider yourself a witness to the event?"


"No...but several of us were quick enough to rush to her bedroom."


"The only witness would be Zack and our daughter. But I don't think a first grader would lie about harm-"

The blonde held her finger up.

All that was heard was the scribbling of her pen on the clipboard and the pounding heart of (y/n).

"We've spoken to a family crisis center about the event," she leaned forward and folded her hands with her elbows on the smooth tabletop, "and they agree that your daughter be taken to foster care. Just until the court stuff is-"

"Oh..no," (y/n) whispered with a quick head shake, "sh-she's-"


(Y/n) gulped and took a moment to look outside at the quiet night in the city.

"Please..." (Y/n) squeaked, "please y-you can't just take her like that. I-I couldn't live without he-"

"Mrs. Baker...I'm sorry. Just until the court days are over, we think it's best (daughter name) be put into a safer zone."

It was then a glass-like tear shed from her eye and gracefully slid down her smooth burning hot cheek.

"Please don't take her. Please!"


"She is so sensitive...it would break her heart."

"Would you rather her enforced into a danger zone?"

"My husband is not a danger zone, I can tell you that."

"I beg to differ," her eyebrows rose, "why don't you think about that, Mrs. Baker? Your daughter was dr-"

"My husband came home drunk that night. We insisted he shouldn't put her to bed but (daughter name) wouldn't budge."

"And who's fault is that?"

"Definitely not his..."

The two females stared at each other, (y/n)'s eyebrows strict and narrow.

"If anything it was my fault," she swallowed, "but that doesn't mean the child should have to suffer separation as well."

The honey blonde lady closed her folder and stood.

"Your third court date will be in a weeks time, Mrs. Baker. Seven sharp."

(Y/n)'s bottom lip quivered. She couldn't move. She was frozen.

"...Im sorry..."


Thunk thunk thunk

"All rise."

(Y/n) stood with her lawyer on the left side of the courtroom.

Fiction - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now