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The blonde paced in the dim hallway. She wondered what had happened to (y/n).

She raised her eyebrows when the black haired male appeared around the corner.

"What's wrong?" He hissed.

"She wouldn't tell me. She asked for you."

The tall skinny woman shrugged her bare shoulders as her heels clicked on the tile flooring back to the table.

Knock knock

"(Y/n)? Come on out, hun." Zacky lightly knocked on the wooden door.

A sniffle escaped.

"Don't make me come in there." A slight smirk was painted on his face.

All Zacky could hear at this moment were faint whispers.

"What was that?" He furrowed his thin eyebrows.

Zacky gasped when the door opened. There he was staring down at his wife. Tears streaming down her face.

"Hey..." He whispered, "hey, come here." The female was pulled into one of his famous hugs.

And there he stood. Holding her dear in his arms. He never grew tired of her tears. In fact, it gave him more of a reason to hold her and to make her feel loved.

"What happened?" His soft lips pressed against her forehead.

(Y/n) took a deep breath before responding.

"I don't want to see that man again..."

Zacky was confused. He never met the gentleman before. So when did (y/n) meet him?

"Why not?"

She sniffled.

"I'll be back." The (h/c) female refused to look up into her husbands eyes as her feet led her out the doors into the night sky.

Zacky gulped as he followed her.

But he didn't make his presence known...

"...at that dinner, remember?...aren't you with (daughter name)? ....who's with her?"

Zacky's heart started racing at the thought of his baby being left home unattended.

"Why didn't you tell me?...do you trust Jimmy?...yeah..I guess I do too..."

Zacky rolled his eyes.

"..the guy from the hotel?...yeah...he's here....with no one. Well...he's the waiter...uh-huh..."

The guy from the hotel...

Zacky's eyes widen.


Zacky paused before he walked back to the table.

Zacky tucked away the bills and other mail they received before he grabbed his jacket and walked out of the door.

He noticed that no one was home next door.

But he did notice their mail sitting there.

'I wonder if they're still sending me shit here...' he knelt down and shuffled through the envelopes.


Zacky scrunched his eyebrows together as he took the envelope and opened it while he sat on the staircase right by the doors to both apartments.

'Dear Brian & Y/N,

The reason for this letter is to give you both my sincere apologies. Y/N, I was a fool. It dawned on me that my actions could've ruined my entire life. I wouldn't have been able to find a job or even find myself a partner. But I was drunk. I am deeply sorry for aggressively harming you in the hotel while your friend, Brian, had his back turned. But thank god he found you (and heard you) before my doings got even worse. I hope you accept my apology and I hope your lives are both blessed and happy.

Fiction - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now