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"(Y/n), we really need you to play it...okay?"

The female blinked as she stared down at her trembling fingers, just barely pressing down on the hard strings of Zacky's guitar.


The wife of the guitarist couldn't even think of what the right notes were at this point.

The band released heavy sighs and gave up. Matt paced, his hands pressing on the sides of his head and Brian and Johnny plopped down on the swivel chairs.

It was then the doors to the studio burst open.

"Mommy mommy!"

The guys switched their expressions like a light switch. As well as (y/n) did too...

"Whatcha got there?" She carefully set Zacky's guitar aside and let her daughter sit on her lap.

"Hope you don't mind," Jimmy said as he took off his disguise, "couldn't resist."

(Daughter) showed (y/n) the new toy Jimmy had purchased her when they took a trip to the toy store.

"No, not at all Jimmy." She smiled faintly as (daughter) skipped to the corner to play.

"So! Did we get it?" Jimmy rubbed his hands together as faces sunk.

"I'm sorry..." (Y/n) looked down.

Jimmy blinked.

"The whole purpose of taking (daughter) out was so she wouldn't see it." He spoke in a hush voice.

"Alright look," Brian stood behind (y/n), "I'll record the-"

"No!" (Y/n) shouted, causing all heads to turn.

"No..." She closed her eyes and spoke in her usual soothing tone.

(Y/n) picked up the burgundy guitar, set it on her lap, placed her fingers at the right frets, let her other fingers glide over the shiny numbering on the guitar, and took a deep breath.

"You ready?" Matt asked as he held his finer over the play button.

Jimmy stood by her side. He knew he was a comfort source to her in these situations...pressure.

And so, the music played, and so did she. She now remembered the right chords and notes, harmonizing with Brian's parts.

"Is that daddy's guitar?"


(Y/n) stopped playing.

So did the music.

Everything was going swimmingly until heads turned to see (daughter) standing in the corner, holding her new doll in one hand, barely touching the floor. The big eyes shining and the pouty lip out.

"Shit..." Johnny hissed as Brian and Jimmy exchanged that 'ouch' look.

They all looked at each other to see who was going to step in to take this one.

"Yeah, (daughter)," Matt walked over an knelt down, "but daddy is busy right now with work. He's out of town, remember?"

She slowly nodded.

"So mommys going to play for daddy! I don't know about you but that's pretty cool to me." He gave a look of over exaggeration that usually made kids feel at ease.

"What happened to daddy?" She spoke in a soft tone.

Matt looked back at the guys and (y/n).

"Hey, (daughter)!" Johnny stepped in, "come here I've got a surprise for you!" He raised his eyebrows and sung out the end.

Fiction - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now