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Arriving back home for (y/n) was like coming home from a long day at school or work and crawling into your bed with the cool sheets and warm fuzzy blankets piled on top of you. It was warm and welcoming and there was no place better.

Zacky opened the door for (y/n) and immediately the female was swooped into the arms of Jimmy.
"God dammit, (y/n)," he said, "don't you ever scare me like that again!"

"Easy, Jim. The only one who can touch her for a while is me, got it?" Zacky placed a gentle hand on her back as the tall drummer backed off.

Johnny walked up with Lacey, both speechless with open mouths.

"It's okay. Thank you, Johnny." the fragile girl nodded with a small delicate smile.

Val walked over and hugged her.

"Oh what, Val can hug her but I can't?" Jimmy snapped as Zacky laughed.

"Val's a female, Jim. Unless you secretly have a vagina then go for it."

Jimmy slowly started to walk over.

"Jimmy..." Val grinned and shook her head after acknowledging his humor, but then turned back to (y/n).

"If you want them out, I'll kick them out right now." she whispered.

"Can I just have some alone time with my family first?"

"Come on, guys. Out." Val about shoved the group of chatty and complaining men out.

Once the door shut, the little footsteps came running in.

"Mommy! Daddy!" (daughter) ran in, her little waves in her dark hair bouncing with every little step.

"Come here, baby girl." Zacky opened his arms and collected the child.

"Are you okay, mommy?" the little girl questioned with a look of fear building up in her eyes.

"Yes, baby." she kissed her daughter's forehead.

"(daughter), you need to get some sleep, alright? Then tomorrow I promise you we will watch the Powerpuff Girls and eat a bowl of cereal." Zacky smiled as the girl gasped and pretended to suddenly drift into a deep slumber with those cute little fake snores that are easily identified.

(y/n) smiled up at her husband as he kissed the girls forehead. "I promise I'll be careful." he whispered as he carried their daughter to her room.

The (h/c) nibbled on her bottom lip as she waited for Zacky to tiptoe out of the room, closing the door at the specific angle (daughter) likes.

And sure enough, just when her heart started to pound, there he was exiting the room just like she pictured him to. A warm smile crept up on her face.

"Come here." Zacky whispered as he gathered his wife up in his arms, making sure his body language screamed gentleness.

"It's okay, Zack. I know you won't hurt me."

"Want to lay down? We need to catch up." he smiled and played with her (h/l) hair.

Agreeing, she followed him to their bedroom, closing the door and spending their night talking, laughing, and making up for every hug and kiss missed for all of those months...



It glistened down upon the small cozy bedroom in the famous little apartment.

And a famous black haired mans eyes tried to adjust to that very light when he awoke from his dream.

Would you even call that a dream? It did happen, after all.

Fiction - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now