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"Look, (daughter)!" Brian raised his eyebrows to show excitement as he knelt down in front of the young girl, Matt kneeling beside him.

Brian unfolded the paper and waited for her response.

"What's this?" Her little voice cooed.

"She won't buy it." Jimmy whispered into (y/n)'s ear, who was standing against the wall with crossed arms, just watching the two men face her daughter with lies.

It hurt, but at this point they were willing to try anything...

"Daddy wrote to you." Matt's raspy voice spoke as (daughter) took the note.

"I can't read it."

"Here," Brian cleared his throat before speaking, "(daughter), I hope you know that I am okay. And I also hope you and mommy are doing okay. I'm sorry I've been missing so much time with you. But I promise that when I come home I will give you the biggest hug ever! I won't be home for a while but you need to be strong. Just like daddy and mommy are. Understand, baby girl? I love you so much and mommy too."

(Daughter blinked)

"It's not going to work..." (Y/n) whispered and shook her head as jimmy placed a hand on her shoulder.

Silence was screaming in the apartment.

(Daughter) burst into tears...

"Shit." Jimmy hissed as Matt lifted the young girl.

"It's okay, baby! Don't cry, daddy's okay!" (Y/n) rushed over and stroked the back of her hair.

"I-miss d-daddy!" She hiccuped a few times, tears strolling down her face.

(Y/n) nibbled on her bottom lip.

"She should nap, (y/n)." Matt whispered.

The (h/c) agreed and allowed the singer to put the girl down for a nap.

Brian walked over to the mother and gathered her in his arms.

"I'm sorry. We tried."

"I gotta say though, that letter did sound convincing to me."

(Y/n) sighed a heavy sigh and ran her fingers through her hair.

"-my heart, to you...I give my heart, cause nothing can compare in this world to you...wuhohh..."

The three of them looked at each other.

"That was nice of him." (Y/n) smiled softly as she walked silently towards her daughters room.

Matt tiptoed his way out of the door, closing the door half way.

"Thank you." (Y/n) mouthed as Matt nodded his head and rubbed her back.


The four of them plopped themselves on the couches and sat in deep thought.

"What now?" Brian asked, his eyes not looking away from the bowl of fruit on the coffee table.

"No idea..." Jimmy rubbed his hands on his face.

(Y/n) stood and grabbed her keys.

"Stay here in case she wakes up please."

"Where are you going?" Matt looked back.

Before she could answer his question the door had been shut.


"Baker," a booming voice awoke Zacky, "you've got a visitor."

Zacky sat up and blinked.

Fiction - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now