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(Y/n)'s glossy and bloodshot orbs of (e/c) opened slowly, closed, opened slowly, and closed again. Almost like a butterfly sitting on a petal, it's wings slowly opening and closing silently.

She looked around the white sanitary room and felt her heart sink once she realized why she was there.

Footsteps entered the room. (Y/n) couldn't identify who had entered. Her back was to the door. But she tried to listen.

Some of the cords and plugs and other things next to her bed were being adjusted. It must be a nurse.

Like predicated, the nurse dressed in blue came around the corner, taking a peek at the young girls ghostly face.

"Oh," she smiled softly, "you're awake."

(Y/n) blinked. Stared at the dull white wall laying there like a stone. Cold and stiff. Lifeless.

The nurse sighed. She was having the same complications before with (y/n). It seemed that no one could get a response out of her. No one that she knew of, at least.

"Your breakfast will be in soon." Her voice rang softly as she made her exit out of the room.

(Y/n) listened and once she knew she was gone, the (h/c) rolled over, wincing in a little pain while at it.

A sigh was released with closed eyes and furrowed eyebrows. She wondered so much. How did he find her? Where was (daughter)? What if Zacky finds out? Where did Matt and Brian go, and speaking of them, how did they know where she was too?

There was a knock at the door that startled her.

"I'm sorry, miss. Baker," a volunteer worker chuckled, "your breakfast is ready." She walked in with the plastic tray and set it on the table.

She smiled down at the girl, but once recognizing her lifeless look, her smile faded.

"Enjoy." She cooed before exiting.

Again, (y/n) waited until she felt no one else would come in. And once the little voice in her head gave her the okay, she sat up for the first time since she was lied down for disturbance.

Her legs felt weak, and her parts were in pain. She felt physically, emotionally and mentally drained. Something as simple as sitting up felt like such a big accomplishment.

She reached over and grabbed the tray. Her stomach grumbled, as if begging for anything off that tray, even if all of it looked inedible.

She turned the television on while pecking like a bird at the slice of toast provided for her.

"-charged of rape and child abuse. The mother of the child had absolutely no interactions or relationship with the criminal as followed. Channel 8 news has provided us with information of the two men who saved the two victims." A reporter read off of his lines as the camera switched to another reporter.

"Yes Dwane, two men who knew the victim and her daughter happened to appear at her home the night of the crime. Notorious rockstars of Avenged Sevenfold Matthew Sanders, the lead singer, also known as M. Shadows, and Brian Haner, also known as Synyster Gates, the bands lead guitarist, happened to be the two men."

"People like him need to be watched over," Matt's voice spoke, "there's way too many sick people like him out there in the world and it breaks my heart to see this happening to so many innocent women and children."

"Rape happens to women everyday. What can you tell us that makes this story worth hearing about compared to others?" The reporter held the mic up to Brian.

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