Revelations from a Spatula

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Summary: Natalia has a life-changing, heart-stopping revelation while Chris takes on the chef role in her kitchen.

Thanks for reading! xx


It comes at her at full force; unexpectedly - like lightning striking her heart.

Chris is humming to himself at the stove; naked. He's making a show flipping the grilled cheese to the other side to brown, albeit completely unaware of the amused audience behind him.

Natalia clamps her palm over her mouth to cover the light giggle that threatens to reveal her presence when his small - but firm and oh so sexy - ass does a little wiggle.

Chris is inexplicably jubilant, or maybe not-so-inexplicable after all the sex that's kept them cooped up in her condo all weekend. But he is deliriously happy, something he hasn't felt in a very long time - or maybe ever.

She knows this because he had told her so right after she caught his smiling eyes on her when she awoke from a short nap. She had called him creepy for staring. He had called her beautiful, causing her heart to do that thing it often did in his company.

And now night has fallen and they have barely eaten a substantial thing all day. Which explains the reason of him being in the kitchen without a layer of clothes on. He had been all too eager to cure the stomach pains she complained about in the middle of his lips trailing kisses down her abdomen.

Chris's feet start to subconsciously tap every so often like he is walking on cloud nine, and this time, as much as she tries to suppress it, the giggle finds its way to his ears.

His head whips around to glance back at her, a permanent grin on his face. "Hey, babe. Your gourmet dinner is almost ready."

"Good, I'm famished."

"I bet you are," Chris retorts, wiggling his brows suggestively.

Natalia giggles like a smitten schoolgirl again and catches his delighted eyes roving over her, appreciating the way she looks in his boxer shorts and Pats t-shirt.

Her heart beats rapidly and her pulse races. She doesn't know how to slow it down, or if she even wants to. He makes her feel alive.

"Stop ogling me. You're going to burn my sandwich," she says after a moment of catching her breath.

"You look hot. But even hotter without my clothes on." He throws her a playful wink when she rolls her eyes.

Jokingly, she asks, "Haven't you had enough of me yet?"

"Nevah!" Chris bellows out while turning back to the stove.

Natalia bursts into laughter, holding onto her cramping sides. She hasn't been able to stop laughing at his weird antics since the day they met. "You're fucking crazy."

"Crazy for you," he sings with his back facing her.

Chris waits until her laughs die down before resuming his previous humming, the unwavering grin still plastered on his face.

Natalia watches the spatula being tossed up in the air and then smack back down on the upside piece of toast. Chris's victory whistle follows, as does another comical little shake of his hips.

She shakes her head while another round of amused chortles sound out. She really cannot get enough of this silly and very odd man, the infatuation deepening with every brand new day.

Opening her mouth to tell him so, something stops her - the lightning.

This isn't infatuation. Nor is it lust. No, this - what she feels for him - is much, much more intense and real than that.

Her eyes widen.

This, she realizes, is love. She loves him. No, worse. She's hopelessly in love with him.

And that scares the fuck out of her.

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