The Real Deal

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Summary: Chris and Natalia were set up on a blind date, orchestrated by his mother and sister. Soon enough, they both know why.

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Sitting in a cafe shop in the middle of a Tuesday seemed foreign to Natalia. Normally, at this time –2:23pm– she would be gathering the rather rowdy last period students, quickly ushering them into the extraordinary planetarium for a pop quiz. It was the one place she found solace in; the planets and the stars acting as a calming force to her hyperactive brain.

Now that it was Christmas break, she couldn't help but feel a little lost with the time off. That was probably why she had agreed to this.

The shop was no longer bustling with the morning crowd. Now, there was a more unruffled atmosphere; series of old acquaintances catching up and the late sleepers grabbing their fix.

Natalia had witnessed the shift of pace as the hours rolled by. She had been sitting in the back booth ever since returning from her early morning run, people watching in between working on her third term curriculum. She could lie and say it was because her furnace had been giving her trouble and she didn't have the patience to call up the landlord that gave her the heebie-jeebies. But truthfully, she found herself trailing in the shop more for the company rather than the need for sheltered warmth from the harsh winter.

The owners didn't seem to mind, just as long she kept ordering one item every couple hours. Working on her third cup of coffee, she knew at this rate she would be jittery by the time her date showed up.

Natalia cringed. A blind date.

There had been a handful of times where she found herself begrudgingly agreeing to it, and every single time that she had, regret was soon to find her at the end of a disastrous evening. There was the bartender that showed up ten minutes late, drunk off his ass. The dancer that was too flamboyant to be into her, and the aspiring musician that took her on a drug run before dropping her off at home.

And those weren't even the worst of them all. The others, well, she had spent a great deal of time and a lot of whiskey to banish them from memory.

Shanna owed her big time for agreeing to this.

Tapping her pen against the color coded binder, she heaved a sigh. If she left now, she would never hear the end of it from her friend. And, let's face it, she had spent the entire day at the cafe; leaving now would be downright silly.

Glancing at her watch, she was startled to see she was a few minutes away from what she bet would be another horrendous date with a douchebag. She began piling the binders and papers, snapping the triple rings together, and stuffing them into her messenger bag.

An utterly surprised "oh my god" paired with a high volumized laugh caught her attention. She immediately froze. It couldn't be...

Oh god. Please not him.

Her eyes shot up, and her face broke into a broad smile.

Yep, it was him.

Chris strode towards her with his hands stuffed inside his coat pockets, a smug grin plastered on his face.

"They so did not set us up."

"Oh-ho," he laughed with a shake of his head. "They totally fucking did."

Sliding out of her seat to greet him, she responded with mock annoyance. "Those fuckers."

His grin didn't falter as he approached her, nor did the somersaults happening in his belly that had begun production the moment he spotted her sitting there in the back booth. "Hey, you." Placing a hand on her arm to politely kiss her cheek, he swore he could hear her heart beating out of her chest.

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