alicewondersonland named this chapter!!!!! She's super nice and never once insulted me or any of her friends.
Nothing really happens in this chapter but I'll try to make the next one worth it. 😉
"I can't believe this!" Jade said wrapping her arms around me. I returned the hug, glad that my best friend was ok.
"Me either." After Dante left the room Jade walked in. Her face was all puffy from crying. "So what happened?" I asked. "I heard your messages like a second before Dante found me."
"I have no idea! Dante called, and asked where I was. He picked me up and we drove to the hospital. He said that Sean got kidnapped and they almost killed him. He looks dead. I mean he's really messed up. There's tubes and–" She shook her head. "I don't know. I'm so scared. He has to be ok. He didn't know anything."
She was right. "It really isn't fair." I said. "He doesn't deserve this."
She let out a sad sigh. It was obvious that she was stressed. He was going to have a baby. He couldn't die. Not now.
"How do you know all this?" I asked. If Dante had the nerve to tell her before me I was going to cut off his balls. Did he actually pick her up before he picked me up? It was a selfish thought, but I was curious.
"Sean's dad told me. I told him I was pregnant and that's why Dante brought me here. It was while we were at the hospital. Can you believe Dante's dad has a private hospital?"
She was rambling. She'd talk without getting a breath out. That's what Jade did when she was nervous.
"He picked you up before me." I couldn't help it. I had to say it.
"Sky, don't be mad. Dante was going crazy trying to find you. I mean he went everywhere. Eventually he gave up and decided to track you down by your cell phone."
"My phone? He tracked me down!"
"I mean, yeah. No one knew where you were. Really Skyla, don't be mad at him. He didn't choose this. You know all he wants is to help you."
I rolled my eyes.
She frowned. "I'm not telling you to get back together with him, but you should be grateful that he cares so much. I don't blame you for not being too happy right now, but he's just trying to protect you.
"I should know. He was going insane. He thought that it was too late and that killed him. I'm not even exaggerating. You know I'd tell you the truth."
"How are you so calm about this?" I asked. She didn't seem as freaked out as I was with the whole Italian Mafia part.
"I'm not calm. I just trust that these people are going to figure it out. I mean it's Nick. How powerful can Nick be?"
"Very." I mumbled.
Jades eyes opened wide. "What do you mean?"
"He's worked with these people." I explained. "He knows how this works. He has connections. He's also kept it a secret for so long. I've seen these sides of him that actually scared me. That's why I used to hate when he would drink. I thought it was the liquor doing that to him, but no. That's who he is. The liquor let his guard fall, showing people who he really was."
Jade didn't say anything so I continued. Now I was the one rambling. The thought of me actually trusting Nick the night before, and now made me nauseous.
"I just wonder what he's done." I said to her. "I mean he became ruthless when he drank. One time in front of the hotel he threatened to throw me in front of the bus. He had me trapped against the wall.
"He never told me about his family. What do you think could've happened. Did he... did they–?"
"I honestly don't know. Just be glad that you and your family isn't involved with him anymore. At least Angela—"
"Oh my god! Angela! She was crazy the last time I saw her. I mean we actually fought. Do you think he did something to her?"
"I have no idea." She said honestly.
Neither did I. Not even Dante knew the answer to that. I needed to see Angela after I got out of here. We needed to talk like two civilized adults.
Jade and I sat in the small room for what felt like forever. It was clear that she was preoccupied with Sean. If something like that happened to Dante I don't know what I'd do.
We ended up talking about something else. I asked her what Anthony's reaction was when she told him she was pregnant.
They were both a little shocked, especially at the fact they've never met Jade. But both of his parents were so shaken up that they accepted it. They couldn't be mad at Sean now. He was barely even here.
Susan had a strong maternal side who took Jade in like she was her daughter. I could tell Jade liked the special treatment. She never really had a family. Jade and I were best friends but she was not the type of girl who my mother approved of. My family always said that she was a bad influence.
We stayed together until past midnight. The only thing in the room was a small digital clock. Eventually Jade was tired and left. Her room was right next door. Apparently it was really small down here. I hadn't left my room, knowing that men with guns stood on the other side.
Dante walked in as I was dozing off on the couch. "You know there's a bed back there, right?" He asked pointing to a door that I thought was a closet.
"No I didn't know." I yawned.
"Well," He said. "There is. No one will come in here by the way. I know they might seem scary but we are all on the same side. They won't hurt you."
I only nodded my head. I didn't know what to say anymore. I needed to go to sleep. My brain wasn't functioning.
"Here." He held out a bag. "Clothes, soaps, and um tampons."
I took it. "Thanks. I just– what about my parents? They're going to worry."
"You can't really make outgoing calls but," He pulled out a tiny black cell phone. "Make it quick. Don't give anything away."
I called my mother first. She didn't really seem to be interested in me at the moment, but I told her that if anything I'd call her. The same went for my father. He wasn't home yet which was good. Nick wouldn't be able to go after either one of my parents, because neither of them were in the country.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Dante said, taking the phone back.
His hand brushed against mine. Neither one of us pulled away. "Ok."
"I like your hair." He added as he walked out the door.

Five Star Hotel
Romance|#2 in Romance 2/20/16| *** So he sent you here. The dirtiest, grimiest, most vile building in New York City. The building where countless have silently lost their lives. He sent you to this Five Star Hotel so you could feel the fear that comes wit...