I pulled the trigger, and as soon as I did the room filled with people. Everyone who was down here now stood in the tiny room.I felt hands pick me up off the floor. They were strong hands that I couldn't fight off no matter how much I tried. I knew who was holding me back. I recognized his voice as he asked whether or not I was ok.
Besides the shock I was going through everything was fine. For me, anyways. Silvio still laid on the floor surrounded by blood.
"Skyla, what happened?" Dante asked, grabbing my face in his hands. My eyes finally focused on one thing. Before that they were wandering from person to person. "Skyla." He said again. His voice was calm. His breaths were even. That helped me.
"He was going to kill me!" I cried. "He had a knife and said I was on their side and not here!" I made no sense, but when Dante heard kill me, he froze. His body became rigid with anger. If I didn't know any better I'd say that steam was beginning to come out of his ears.
The only reason I managed to shoot Silvio was because we were both lying on the floor, only a few feet apart. I escaped death by just second. Silvio was fast with his gun. The one that fell on the floor— that I picked up, had no safety on. It must've been the one he was currently using. If it did I would've probably died.
I turned around to see Silvio standing up. The wound was on his arm. That made me feel a million times better. I couldn't kill someone. I couldn't imagine what that would be like. He pushed the people off of him then looked at me. His look was deadly. It almost made my heart stop.
But then he turned around and made his way out of the room, clutching the top of his arm. Silvio's men followed him out. Dante threw out whoever was remaining.
I was definitely dead now. "He's going to kill me." I said. "He's gonna kill me. I'm so dead. I'm dead." I was having a panic attack.
"I'm going to kill him." Dante breath, not hearing a word I said. I've never seen this side of him. It was raw and deadly. "I told him not to touch you. This is what he does though."
Dante was about to storm out of the room, but I grabbed him by the arm. "Dante don't." I hated that man. I hated him with a passion, but I wasn't selfish enough to let Dante do something he'd regret. "You need to calm down. I'm ok." I took his face in my hands. "Don't do anything you'll regret."
"He's not going to get away with this." Dante said, putting his hand over mine, trying to calm down.
"You don't believe him, right? You know I'm not working with Nick." I guess it would make sense for them to think that even though it wasn't true.
"You're bleeding." He observed, ignoring my question.
"Huh?" But then I saw it. The knife managed to get part of my left arm. I didn't notice before because of all the adrenaline that was coursing through my veins. It wasn't that bad, but it did hurt.
He brought me into the bathroom and sat me on the lid of the toilet. "I'm sorry." He mumbled, pulling a first aid kit out from under the sink. "This is so f@cked up. He had been questioning me about you, and I told him you had no idea. I told him not to touch you. Do you know that he didn't want me to bring you here. We fought for a while before I told him to go f@ck himself. I wasn't just going to leave you out there."
I winced as he cleaned off the wound. Surprisingly his hands were gentle despite how angry he was. "They would've killed you." He continued. "When you shot Silvio. Those men are trained to protect him at all cost, but they also couldn't go against me, so they didn't." I was glad they didn't.
He wrapped up my arm, closed the first aid kit, and put it back under the sink. "I'll let you go." Dante said. "I thought we might be able to figure things out but," He shook his head. "It'll probably be too complicated, right?"
I didn't say anything. This was officially the end of it. Why did people have to ruin things for us? "Probably." I whispered. He nodded his head, agreeing.
He stayed in my room with me though. We sat on the bed not really talking. Just sitting there. I was sitting so close to him, giving me no space to move but that was ok. He was the only one who could keep me safe right now. He was the only one who I felt safe next to.
Eventually I fell asleep, and he must've left, because when I woke up he wasn't there. I heard yelling in the other room. No punches were thrown, no shots were fired. It was just yelling. Dante must've won, because I heard his voice last. He got the last word in.
The rest of the days there weren't boring. They were nothing. I felt nothing. We'd sit there waiting for the next day. Sometimes it was with Jade, sometimes with Dante, and there was even a time where it was just Susan and I. I didn't leave my room. I refused to leave my room until Dante came in telling me the coast was clear.
He said that they called a "peace" with Nick. Obviously it was fake. Silvio just wanted to buy time. He wanted to get out of here and focus on Nick another time. I couldn't imagine what kind of business they did that had them both this crazy.
But by the time things started to heat up again I'd be gone. Far far away where Nick or any other Mafia men couldn't find me. Sadly that included Dante.
He didn't make the goodbye too sad. We were both expecting it. He escorted me out of the basement up to my room. "Stay away." He said to me.
I nodded my head. "I love you."
"I love you too." He kissed me on the lips one last time, before turning around and walking away. The kiss lasted for a good thirty seconds. This was the last time we'd see each other. He knew it. So did I. There would be no more hooking up, no more kissing, no more nothing.
I did not allow the tears to come out. Not yet. I was going to go with Jade to the hospital to see Sean. I wanted to support her, but I made it clear that this was a one time thing. I would see him today, but that was it. She said she understood.
We went to the hospital. Thankfully no one was there at the moment. The hospital was quiet and empty which was rare. Normally they are filled with people making all kinds of noises.
Sean looked bad. He looked really bad. His face was a huge mess. There were burns and cuts everywhere. He had a cast on his leg and a sling on his arm. The tubes helped him breath.
I couldn't help the tears now. I didn't know him for too long but he was still my friend. He was so crazy, and so fun. He was always smiling. Every time I'd see him he'd be smiling. Now he wasn't. Now he was laying on that hospital bed not even breathing on his own. He was lifeless.
This was only Jade's second time in the hospital, and I think it was hitting her harder than the first.
I kept thinking, what if he doesn't wake up? What will happen if he does? What will he be like? He can't possibly go back to normal.
"Hey Sean." I said. I didn't even realize it was me at first. "You're gonna be ok." I think I was trying to comfort us more than him. He couldn't hear any of this. "You're going to wake up and everything will be ok." The tears silently rolled down both of our cheeks. "You're going to be a dad. You need to wake up, Sean. You need to wake up because you don't deserve this. You don't deserve any of it, which is why I know that you're going to be ok. You have to be ok."
He continued to lay there silently. He didn't squeeze my hand like they do in movies, nor did he open his eyes. He just laid there.

Five Star Hotel
Romance|#2 in Romance 2/20/16| *** So he sent you here. The dirtiest, grimiest, most vile building in New York City. The building where countless have silently lost their lives. He sent you to this Five Star Hotel so you could feel the fear that comes wit...