May 5, 2013 (BigskipyeaIknow.) Cameron'sPOV Months have gone by and me and Emery are still going strong. We've been together now about 8 months. I know this may be early to say. But, I really wanna marry her. I really wanted to do it on valentines but I didn't know what she would say and I wimped out. The guys already know i want to and I have the ring but I need to talk to her parents. I'm actually fixing to head to her house to talk to them because that's the right thing. Right?
Hell, amIready?
All these thoughts flooded in my head. I need to get over them.
I went to the door grabbed my keys and headed towards Emery's.
I got there parked; and walked to the door.
I knocked and than her mom opened the door and welcomed me in.
"CAMMY!!" Alice screamed and ran up to me.
"Heyyy!!" I said hugging her.
"Can I talk to y'all for a minute?" I asked
"Sure. Is everything okay?" Her mom asked.
"Yes ma'am. Is Emery here?" I asked to make sure so she couldn't hear me.
"No. She's out shopping with Genesis and Giselle." She replied in her sweet tone.
"Perfect!" I said.
"Okay. So I wanted to know what yall would think if I purposed to her. I know this is a lot but we've been together quite sometime. I really think she's the one. I've been thinking about this for a while and if y'all say no I totally under-" I was cut off my them talking to me.
"Cameron, honey.... Calm down." Her mom said laughing slightly.
"I think this might be a little to early" she said
"But! I really think y'all are perfect for each other. I have no say so in her life anymore since she's 18. So this is between you and her. What do you say?" She said looking in the direction of her dad.
"You can marry her.. BUT, don't you dare hurt my little girl." He said getting up and shaking my hand.
"Thank you so much!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" I said throwing my hands in the air.
Littledramaticcameron.. Calmdown
I told my self; taking deep breaths.
"Thank yall again!!" I said walking out the door and to my car. I need to tell the boys.
I called all the boys and their coming over. I officially moved out from my moms house and I live in my own apartment.
They all came barreling through the door.
"Did you ask them?"
"What did they say?"
"Are we planning a wedding?"
Was all I heard when I was trying to get them to calm down.
They eventually calmed down and I told them the news.
They emediently pulled me up.
"What are you doing?"
"I don't know. Let's get emery to come over and just act like its a normal day" Taylor said.
I know how I'm going to do this....
*3 weekslater*
Cameron'sPOV May 26, 2016
I'mgonnadoit. I'mgonnadoit
I kept repeating to myself as I waited for Emery, Giselle, and Genesis to show up. Me and the boys were already here. So the plan is, were going to see a movie, than were gonna go out to eat while the boys stay back to set it all up. Its going to be on the lake. I'm going to take us out in a conoe than act casual, than I'm going to ask her.
I'm so nervous.
"Okay boys. I'll be back. Emery's here. Act cool."
I looked back and they weren't acting cool at all. Taylor had one hand behind his heayed and the other against the table while he was standing cockeyed.
Hayes was scratching his neck nervously.
Matthew was doing.... Yoga?? What even..
Carter.... Was doing yoga also.... Okay than.
Shawn was setting up on stage along with the jacks I don't even know what for but yea.
Nash was coloring in a color book.
Aaron I think went to the bathroom.
"Hey baby boy" Emery said walking up and placing a kiss on my cheek.
"How are y-you doing b-baby girl" I said studdering.
"You okay baby?" Emery asked me..
"I'm fine just nerv- umm, excited." I said not acting cool at all.
"Umm, okay?"
(So y'all know I had to add that. Its so cute)
We got in the car and we were on our way to the movies. We had just arrived. I ran to Emery's side of the car and opened the door for you.
"Thank you" she said pressing her body against me hugging me.
"What's that?" She said touching the pocket of my jacket.
Shit... Its the ring.. Act cool Cameron....
"Oh, that. Its my charging box for my phone so I can charge it during the movie." I said acting as cool as I could.
"Okay? Lol" she said more like a question.
I linked my arm with hers and walked to the line to get our tickets.
"2 for the 5th wave please"
"Okay. That will be $7. Here you go. Enjoy the movie."
"Thank you" I said walking off with Emery.
We went and got in line to get our popcorn and drinks. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That's it for now... Next chapter soon.😋 like, comment, and share with your friends.
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Added the photo cause why not? This pictures good😂😂