Chapter 4

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"Well what do we have here? Two very good ingredients for my dooms day soufflé. Ladybug and... who are you?" Alya's mom looked confused.

"Chat Noir?" He said pointing at himself.

"Yeah okay whatever. You'll do good for this dish as well." She said. She swung her spoon in the air and down came 2 figures made of....CHEESE?

"They look like Munsters." Chat said

"Seriously? Another pun?" I asked.

The figures came at us with their string cheese arms. Chat jumped away from them.

"You're gonna have to do more than that to string me along." He said smirking.

"Chat can you take care of these two?"

"Of course bugaboo." He took out his staff and attacked them full speed.

Alya's mom was down the block. I ran towards her.

"Ladybug will not escape!"

"I'm not trying to." I used my yo-yo to grab onto her spoon. She pulled me towards her.

"Foolish Ladybug did you actually think that you would be able to take it so easily?" I pulled on the yo-yo.

"Chat Noir now!" I yelled. He slid close to her tripping her with his staff. Her spoon flew in the air.

"No!" she yelled.

I grabbed the spoon and broke it. The akuma flew out trying to get away.

"Time to de-evilize!" I purified the akuma. "Bye-bye little butterfly."
Chat came next to me.

"Seems like we do kinda work gouda together." He smiled.

"Fine I'll admit that we do, but please take it easy on the puns." I said.

"No promises." He put his fist out at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Well most super heroes typically have something they do after they defeat the bad guy. I was thinking we could do a fist bump." He smiled sheepishly.

"If it'll make you happy then okay."

We then first bumped for the first tme as partners. As equals. Maybe working with Chat Noir won't be so bad.
I literally looked up some cheese puns to put. Im such a lame!!!!! Jk. Well maybe. Anyways I hope you liked the chapter. More to come ;) Let me know what you think in the comments :)

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