Chapter 7

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Sorry for the delay guys. Junior Year really has me stressed out, but I will continue to write this story. :) Enjoy :)
"Finally talked to lover boy huh?" Alya nudged my shoulder.

"L-lover boy?" I felt really flustered. Alya really knows how to push my buttons. "Oh have you talked to Nino?" I asked.

"N-nino?" Gotcha. I smirked at Alya.
"You should talk to him soon Alya." I nudged her back. She knew what game I was playing.

"Oh girl. I got you." She smiled at me innocently.

Adrien entered the classroom. He still looked sleepy but not as much as before.

"Mari you're staring."

"No I'm glancing."


"Glancing." We started getting louder.





"Girls please settle down over there. Class is about to start." Ms.Mendeleiev said. The whole class was looking at us.

"What got into you two?" Nino asked us. Adrien turned around.

"Yeah. You two were getting very loud arguing about glancing or staring. Care to explain?" He had a grin on his face.

"W-ell we w-were a-arguing about-"

"We were arguing about what was worse. Glancing at someone, or staring at someone." She squinted her eyes at me. Adrien smiled.

"You two are really something else." Nino said.

"Alright class today we are going to learn about particle physics." The teacher said.

"Marinette! Your mom is calling you." Tikki said.

"Just a second Tikki I'm just gonna finish this problem." When teachers gave us homework they really gave us homework.

"Marinette! A friend of yours is here!" Maman yelled.

"Coming Maman!" I ran down the stairs.

The thing about it is that I would really like to say that I ran down gracefully, but Im Marinette. Let's just say I gracefully ran down the stairs and ended with a miss of the final 2 steps. Fun.

"Marinette are you okay?" Maman put her hand out for me.

"Yeah mom." I smiled sheepishly. "You know how I am mom. Clumsy." I put my hand behind my head.

"You should be more careful Mari. Anyways a friend of yours is waiting at the door." I opened the door and there was .......................Adrien Agreste?

"Hi Mari." He smiled. If this boy was trying to make me swoon, he was slowly going to achieve it. I felt a blush commencing on my face. Great.

"H-hi Adrien. What are you doing here? I mean not that I don't want you here because it's okay that you are here." Alya is right. I can barely talk to him without stuttering.

"Mari you're silly. I came here for our date remember?"

"D-date?" Suddenly I was dressed in a midnight blue dress with sleeves.
How in the world did this happen?!

"Marinette!" Tikki yelled. I bolted up. It was a dream. That was strange. Very strange.

"Its time to go on patrol silly." Tikki giggled at my reaction. "Come on Mari. You might even be able to see Chat Noir." She said.

"Ugh don't even mention the alley cat and his silly puns." Puns were funny and all, but coming from him...... lets just say he should be a quiet kitty.

"Tikki spots on!"
Again sorry for the delay! I will continue this story :) I hope you enjoyed the chapter :) leave any comments below! Thanks for reading!

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