Chapter 14-Stuck at a Corrupt Cinema

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A creature was seen chained up in a giant abyss. The creature was hideous to say the was like a dragon, but it's head was cut in several places, revealing some of its skull. Its body was nothing but dark energy covering a skull. It has seven eyes and a tail that was spraying a sinister-looking fog. A shrouded person is seen talking to it
"What's the matter, master Nightmare....Hmm? Growing impatient of waiting....don't worry. We just need to bring him here, and you'll be released."
As if answering the person, the creature roared and rocked the chains
"Let's see how you fare this time against our attack....Hikaru Minamoto...."

~Hikaru's home~
Hikaru had just woken up from a good night's was exactly two days right after Etsuko's transfer to Hikaru's school and also the attack on Hikaru's school. Since then nothing had happened and everyone returned to their normal lives.

"Huh.....finally finished the last homework...." Hikaru sighted as he closed up his workbook " what to do next?"

"Maybe go to the cinemas with your friends? That's what most people do these days..." Masaru's voice rang out which made Hikaru opened his windows again but for some reason...he isn't there

"Strange.....I was positive that the voice came from out here...." Hikaru said to himself

Hikaru's phone suddenly rang and when he picked it up, it was Kurosawa

"Hello, Hikaru." Kurosawa said on the other side of the line

"Oh, Kurosawa." Hikaru replied "Why did you call me this time?"
(A/N: In Hikaru's experiences, Kurosawa calling will mean bad things for Hikaru, most of the time.)

"I'm just wondering if you wanted to go to the cinemas." Kurosawa said "Masaru recommended me to go to that particular place as it was made specifically for both movie-lovers and Cardfighters to enjoy."(A/N A reference to a roleplay by TrioMato)

"" Hikaru was cut off

"Alright, you said ok. So you are going to come!!! Gather at Vanguard Cinema before 3 in the afternoon!!! Bye.*hangs up his phone*"

Hikaru took his phone down from his ear and stared blankly at it.

"Why do you like to cut me when I'm talking...."

~Vanguard Cinema~
Hikaru stepped off the bus and saw a giant building with a giant screen promoting movies. He looked around a little and spotted Kurosawa......talking to a few girls from his class including Etsuko

"Crap, why are the girls here...." Hikaru said to himself and decided to back out but instead bumped into someone. Hikaru turned around to apologize and saw a girl with a slender build wearing a hooded jacket, with the hood covering the eyes. She is also carrying a red bag and was shorter than Hikaru.

"Uh.....I'm sorry I bumped into you...." Hikaru started but couldn't continue as the stare the man gave him was scary

"Hmph...." The girl said and walked away

"What was that about...."

Just then, someone patted Hikaru on the back and he turned around to see Kurosawa standing behind him.

"Looks like the star of the day had finally arrived." Kurosawa said "Let's go then!!"

"Nooooooo!!!!" Hikaru screamed

~Meanwhile, in Ryume's house~
A nice fragrant can be smelt from the kitchen. Ryume walks in and saw Selene cooking quite a number of things

"Selene? What are you doing cooking this much food?" Ryume asked

"Well, it was a special request by someone...." Selene said while she continues cooking

"By Hikaru I suppose...." Ryume said only to almost have his head knocked off by a flying wok "What?!?! I was just joking..."

" are already 40 years old. Act more maturely will you?" Selene sighed "And this isn't for Hikaru, its for her."

"Wait....she's coming back today?"

"Yup, and Masaru went to fetch her. It's nice that they finally made up." Selene sair while smiling

"Why didn't I know about this earlier!?!?" Ryume asked with fear

~Back to the cinema~
Hikaru had been forced to watch a romance comedy movie. It was due to the majority of movie watchers are girls(remaining boys decided to vote the same as Etsuko) leaving only Hikaru and Kurosawa to vote with the robot themed movie

"This is so cringy...." Hikaru remarked "I might not be able to survive this whole movie...."

"Uhh....Kurosawa, I'm gonna go to the toilet for a while...."

"Alright then.....please come back asap...." Kurosawa said with his eyes covered like watching a horror movie

Hikaru stumbled out of the cinema and started walking towards the exit

"Must get outta"

He suddenly bumped into someone again and this time, he saw Etsuko standing infront of him.

"Where are you going, Hikaru?"

"Uhhh.....nowhere?" Hikaru answered awkwardly

"Escaping huh?" Etsuko continued

"Nope....definately not escaping-"

Suddenly, all the cinema door burst open and out came tons of corrupted fighters and peoples

"Wh-what the?!?!" Hikaru blurted out

The corrupts started to surround Hikaru and Etsuko slowly eventually cornering them.

"Tch, curses....if only I can somehow break through them..."

At that moment, Hikaru felt a gust of wind and he couldn't believe what happened next.

A wind forming a tiny tornado appeared in front of both of them and when the tornado burst open, it revealed the person that Hikaru bumped into earlier

"It's you!!!!" Hikaru blurted out

"Tsk, looks like today is not my day.....I got seperated from that stupid monkey and now I'm faced with these annoying guys...." she mumbled, and stared straight into Hikaru "You!"

"Yes?" Hikaru gave a surprised reaction

"Can you use your cleansing ability?"

"Is there something like that?" Hikaru asked still clueless

"*sigh* Now I also have to babysit this guy...." the girl sighed

"Um....hey?" Hikaru asked

Immediately, the girl grabbed hold of Hikaru and started running


"Shut up or I'll leave you behind!!!" the girl said while she repels a group of corrupted fighters with a wind force formed on her palm

"Just what is happening anymore!?!?!?" Hikaru screamed in his mind

A/N This is kinda a strange chapter if I say so myself. Well, enjoy!

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