Chapter Two; Cree

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"Sometime today would be nice!" Tetra barked as the prisoners walked onto the dock. She held her sword at the ready in case any of them should try to escape their judgments.

As they tramped onto land one by one she smirked. Another pirate crew captured; another threat eliminated.

Though a crew of pirates themselves, they took it upon themselves to remove other 'less civilized' pirates from the high seas.



"Take them for me," she said as she turned around and headed back to the ship.

"Aye, Captain."


Supplies unloaded, prisoners taken off of their hands, the enemy ship sold; they were making good time. She glanced out the window and nodded. They had to be gone within the next hour, before the Faron Guard heard that her ship was at port.

She met a knock on her cabin door with her invitation to enter.

Impa came in and bowed her head. "Tetra, we have left the goods in the care of the usual suppliers."

"Excellent. Tell the crew that we can leave now."

"I'm afraid that Niko has not yet returned."

She sighed and rested her forehead on her hand. "If he's not back in twenty minutes we leave without him. He doesn't get a warning this time."

"Aye, Captain," Impa replied with a trace of a laugh in her words. She turned to leave but then stopped right before the door. "... It's nearing fall."

"That it is," Tetra replied quietly as she tapped her quill against the desk. "Take your leave."

Impa shut the door behind her as she left, leaving Tetra alone with her thoughts.


There was something about the open sea that Tetra could never tire of, and she smiled as the salty wind tousled her bangs. The air seemed filled to the brim with vitality; something that she particularly loved about the ocean.

Up in the crow's nest, Tetra surveyed the sea. They should be nearing the location of the ship... Ah, there it was.

Known as Stingers to her crew, tax carrying ships were a usual target for them. They did use a certain amount of restraint with those ships that were not pirate vessels.

After she had climbed most of the way down she jumped to the deck and ran towards Impa. "We're right on course. Ready the crew."

"You need to-"

"I know, I know," Tetra snapped as she turned and stalked to her quarters. "See you later," she said. "Get what you can, and remind them not to kill anyone."

Impa bowed as the captain departed, then she covered her face before barking out the final orders.


Tetra leaned back in her grand chair as she surveyed the pieces of parchment in front of her. A lot came in on that run. She smiled to herself and then slipped them into the drawer.

It was nearing sunset, and as she always wanted to be out of her quarters during that beautiful time, she ventured outside.

As she exited the cabin there was a bit more commotion than she had been expecting. "Impa! What is going on?"

"Captain!" Impa was prompt in her reply, turning towards her. "Gonzo found this boy on board. I was just about to call for you."

As Tetra broke through the ring of her crew she was amazed to see for herself what her first mate had just told her.

The boy - or maybe he was a man - sat hunched over on his knees looking down at the deck. He had pointed ears; that much she could see as they poked out through his blonde hair. His clothing, green, looked rather worn. Also, his hands, which were tied behind him, seemed to be shaking.

He glanced up for a moment as the captain stepped through the circle, but his gaze was quick to lower to the deck again. The light from the setting sun cast a glow on his downcast face. He was rather good looking, she thought; despite the situation.

"Well, what have we here?" Tetra asked as she strode over and crouched in front of him. "Where did you find him?"

"We were storing the last of the spoils when he was found hiding in one of the storerooms."

"A stowaway..." Tetra mused, "and a rather good one at that to go undiscovered for so long on my ship."

While the boy had been silent for the time she had been out on the deck, he suddenly blurted, "Your ship?"

"Ah, he has a tongue. A rather foolish choice of words, though," she remarked as she tilted her head to the side and smirked. "Yes, this is my ship. These are my crew. And now..." she trailed off as she reached forwards and grabbed him by the jaw. "... Now you are my prisoner."

The boy wrenched himself free of her hand and glared. "I'm no one's prisoner!"

Tetra laughed softly. "That's not something for you to agree or disagree to. The one with more power usually has the say in these matters. And that is me. You are on my ship, I make the rules. I say what you are to me, and to the crew. You are a prisoner now. No one stows away on a pirate ship and gets away with it." As she finished her little speech she motioned for Gonzo and another man to step forwards. "Take him and follow me."

A Pirate's Life For Me; Zelink, Pirate AU (The Legend Of Zelda) Where stories live. Discover now